The Speaker of Ps 109:6-19
Back to Psalm 109.
Exegetical issues for Psalm 109:
The Hebrew text of Ps 109:6 reads as follows:[1]
- הַפְקֵ֣ד עָלָ֣יו רָשָׁ֑ע
- וְ֝שָׂטָ֗ן יַעֲמֹ֥ד עַל־יְמִינֽוֹ׃
Up to this point in the psalm, the psalmist has been speaking (vv. 1-5). Beginning in v. 6, however, it is not clear whether the psalmist continues to speak or whether he begins to quote the speech of his enemies. Compare, for example, the following two translations:
- "Appoint a wicked man against him; let an accuser stand at his right hand..." (ESV)
- "They say, 'Appoint a wicked man against him; let an accuser stand on his right...'" (NRSV)
According to the ESV, which lacks quotation marks and a quotative frame, the psalmist is the speaker of vv. 6ff. But according to the NRSV, which includes quotation marks and a quotative frame ("they say") the psalmist is quoting his enemies, and the quotation continues all the way through v. 19. Other translations that think v. 6 is a quotation disagree on the extent of the quotation. For example, at least one translation thinks that the quotation continues only through v. 15 (NJB), and at least two translations think that the quotation consists only of v. 6 (NEB, REB).
The various views reflected in modern translations can be summarized as follows:[2]
- Psalmist as speaker (ESV, NIV, RSV, GNT, NJPS, LUT, EÜ, ELB, NGÜ, HFA, GNB, ZÜR, RVR95, NVI, DHH94I, BTX4, S21, NBS, NVS78P)
- Enemies as speaker (quotation)
- Quotation = vv. 6-19 (JPS1917, NRSV, NLT, CEV, PDV2017, NFC, cf. TOB)[3]
- Quotation = vv. 6-15 (NJB)
- Quotation = v. 6 (NEB, REB)
Argument Maps
The following section will present only two argument maps, one for each of the two most popular positions: (1) that the psalmist is the speaker of vv. 6-19, and (2) that the enemies are the speaker of vv. 6-19. The other two views (i.e., quotation = vv. 6-15; quotation = v. 6 only) will be discussed within the argumentation for the two main positions, but they will not receive their own argument maps.
Most of the modern translations consulted present vv. 6-19 without any quotation marks or quotative frame (ESV, NIV, RSV, GNT, NJPS, LUT, EÜ, ELB, NGÜ, HFA, GNB, ZÜR, RVR95, NVI, DHH94I, BTX4, S21, NBS, NVS78P). Thus, these translations imply that there is no quotation and that the psalmist continues as the speaker in vv. 6-19. Several of these translations have footnotes noting that vv. 6-19 might be a quotation (ELB, NGÜ, HFA, GNB, DHH94I, NBS, NVS78P, BDS).
Enemies (vv. 6-19 a quotation)
Some translations mark vv. 6-19 as a quotation. The NRSV, for example, sets off this passage with quotation marks and introduces it with a quotative frame: "They say, 'Appoint a wicked man against him; let an accuser stand on his right...'" (cf. JPS1917, NLT, CEV, PDV2017, NFC).
Conclusion (B)
The speaker of vv. 6-19 is probably the psalmist (without any quotation of his enemies). The main reasons for this conclusion are as follows:
- The psalmist is clearly the speaker in vv. 1-5 and vv. 20-31. In the absence of any clear indication of an additional speaker, it is best to assume that he remains the speaker for vv. 6-19 as well.
- Verse 20, which functions as a kind of postscript to vv. 6-19, makes clear that the psalmist is the one is calling on YHWH to bring the curses of vv. 6-19 upon his accusers. See The Meaning of Ps 109:20.
- Some of the descriptions of the individual in vv. 6-19 (especially vv. 16-19) against whom the prayer is aimed match the descriptions of the enemies in vv. 1-5, 20ff.
- Psalm 109 closely resembles Psalm 69, and in Psalm 69, which contains a similar imprecation, the psalmist is clearly the speaker.
- Peter's quotation of Ps 109 in Acts 1:20 appears to assume that the psalmist is the speaker and that the imprecation in vv. 6-19 is directed against a wicked individual.
The two strongest objections to this conclusion are as follows:
- In vv. 1-5 and vv. [20]-31 the petitioner always sees himself in contrast to a group of enemies (formulated in the plural); in contrast, the desire for destruction and the accusation in vv. 6-19 are directed at an individual."[4]
- "The psalmist who seeks divine justice for himself would not call for his enemies to be prosecuted by an unjust (wicked) person (v. 6). This would be incongruous."[5]
But neither of these objections is strong enough to overturn the weight of evidence in favor of seeing the psalmist as the speaker of vv. 6-19. Regarding the first objection, there are other examples of shifting from plural to singular in a curse against enemies (see discussion here). The use of the singular, which has an individualizing effect ("each one of them"), is most fitting for a curse that is so personal. Regarding the second objection, the psalmist is simply calling for YHWH to do to his enemies what his enemies have done to him (lex talionis), which is what the law prescribed for false witnesses (Deut 16:16-19). Of course, it would not be lawful for the psalmist himself to enact vengence against his accuser, but that is why he prays to YHWH. YHWH, who regularly uses wicked people performing wicked actions to punish the wicked (cf. Isa 7:18ff; Hab 1:5ff), has the prerogative to repay the false accuser(s) in kind: "Vengeance and retribution belong to me. In time their foot will slip, for their day of disaster is near, and their doom is coming quickly" (Deut 32:35, CSB).
- No quotation marks (NIV, RSV, ESV, GNT, NJPS, LUT, EÜ, ZÜR, RVR95, NVI, BTX4, S21)
- No quotation marks, with footnote (ELB,[6] NGÜ,[7] HFA,[8] GNB,[9] DHH94I,[10] NBS,[11] NVS78P,[12] BDS[13])
vv. 6-19
- "They say,"[14] (NLT)
- "They say,"[15] (NRSV)
- "My enemies said," (CEV)
- "Voici ce qu’ils disent contre moi :" (PDV2017)
- "Ils disent de moi :"[16] (NFC)
- Cf. TOB[17]
v. 6
- "They say, 'Put up some rascal to denounce him, an accuser to stand at his right side.' But when judgement is given, that rascal will be exposed..." (NEB)
- "They say, 'Put up some rogue to denounce him, an accuser to confront him.' But when judgement is given that rogue will be exposed..." (REB)
vv. 6-15
- Quotation marks without quotative frame.[18] (NJB)
Secondary Literature
- Artemov, Nikita. 2016. “Zur Impliziten Legitimierung von Vergeltungswünschen in der alttestamentlichen Klage: Textanalytische und biblisch-anthropologische Annäherungen.” In “Wer lässt uns Gutes sehen?” (Ps 4,7), edited by Johannes Schnocks, 181–210. Freiburg: Herder.
- Baethgen, Friedrich. Die Psalmen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1904.
- de Regt, Lénart. 2019. Linguistic Coherence in Biblical Hebrew Texts. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.
- Duhm, Bernhard. Die Psalmen. Vol. XIV. Kurzer Hand-Commentar zum Alten Testament. Leipzig und Tübingen: Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1899.
- Egwim, Stephen C. A Contextual and Cross-Cultural Study of Psalm 109. Biblical tools and studies v. 12. Leuven ; Paris ; Walpole, MA: Peeters, 2011.
- Eusebius. 2022. Werke Band X: Der Psalmenkommentar: Teil 3: Fragmente zu Psalm 101-150. Edited by Franz Xaver Risch. Die Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte, 32. Boston: De Gruyter.
- Fokkelman, J. P. 2000. Major Poems of the Hebrew Bible: At the Interface of Hermeneutics and Structural Analysis. Studia Semitica Neerlandica. Assen, The Netherlands: Van Gorcum.
- Gass, Erasmus. “‘Diss Jar mussen wir hertzog Moritzen todt beten.’” Revue Biblique 128, no. 1 (2021): 61–84.
- Hammond, Joseph. 1875. “An Apology for the Vindictive Psalm.” The Expositor first series 2.5:325–60.
- Hossfeld, Frank-Lothar, and Erich Zenger. Psalms 3: A Commentary on Psalms 101-150. Edited by Klaus Baltzer. Translated by Linda M. Maloney. Hermeneia. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2011.
- Hupfeld, Hermann. Die Psalmen. Vol. 4. Gotha: F.A. Perthes, 1871.
- Ibn Ezra. Ibn Ezra on Psalms.
- Jenkins, Steffen G. “A Quotation in Psalm 109 as Defence Exhibit A.” Tyndale Bulletin 71, no. 1 (May 1, 2020).
- Mendelsohn, Moses. 1819. Die Psalmen: Übersezt von Moses Mendelssohn. Moses Mendelssohn’s sammtliche Werke 8. Ofen: Paul Burianschen.
- Radak. Radak on Psalms.
- Rashi. Rashi on Psalms.
- Theodoret. 2001. Commentary on the Psalms. Translated by Robert C. Hill. The Fathers of the Church, v. 101-102. Washington, D.C: Catholic University of America Press.
- Wright, David P. “Ritual Analogy in Psalm 109.” Journal of Biblical Literature 113, no. 3 (1994): 385.
109:6 Approved
- ↑ Text from OSHB.
- ↑ An additional position is also possible. As Zenger explains, some scholars think that "The speaker is YHWH himself, who here responds to the petitioner’s plea; this position, however, requires a number of alterations in the text" (2011, 126).
- ↑ One of the oldest translations to place vv. 6-19 in quotation marks is the 18th century German translation by Moses Mendelssohn (ed. 1819).
- ↑ Zenger 2011, 130.
- ↑ Egwim 2011, 60.
- ↑ Translation footnote: Möglicherweise zitiert der Psalmist in den Versen 6–19 die Flüche seiner Feinde.
- ↑ Translation footnote: Wörtlich: Verordne über ihn einen Gottlosen". Die Verse 6-19 werden unterschiedlich interpretiert: Einige verstehen sie auch als die Worte der Feinde Davids gegen ihn.
- ↑ Translation footnote: Möglicherweise zitiert der Beter in den Versen 6‒19 die Verwünschungen seiner Gegner. Dann müsste der Abschnitt eingeleitet werden mit: »Sie sagen: Ein Ankläger soll gegen ihn auftreten.«
- ↑ Translation footnote: Das Verständnis der Verse 6-19 ist schwierig. Es ist möglich, dass der Psalmist – gegen seine Feinde gerichtet – eine Reihe bekannter Verwünschungen zitiert oder die Worte seiner Feinde gegen ihn (vgl. auch Sacherklärung »Fluch«).
- ↑ Translation footnote: Aquí comienza la imprecación más larga y violenta de todo el libro de Salmos. Por lo general, se le atribuye a la persona que ha venido hablando hasta ahora. Sin embargo, cuando el salmista se refiere a sus enemigos emplea siempre el plural (vv. 1-5,20,27-29). La imprecación, en cambio, está dirigida contra uno solo, en singular. Por eso podría pensarse que él no hace más que repetir, en presencia del Señor, las palabras de sus acusadores y perseguidores.
- ↑ Translation footnote: Les v. 6-19 rapportent peut-être les malédictions des adversaires (v. 2-5,20,28s ; cf. 7.4ss,17) contre le juste, à moins qu'ils ne visent un des adversaires en particulier ; voir aussi 58.7ss ; 69.23ss ; 83.10ss
- ↑ Translation footnote: Alors qu'au début et à la fin du psaume, l'auteur parle de ses adversaires en général, dans les v. 6-9 il vise particulièrement l'un d'entre eux. d'un méchant,
- ↑ Translation footnote: Dans les v. 6-19, le psalmiste lance des imprécations contre ses adversaires qui sont motivées par le souci que la justice soit rétablie pour la gloire de Dieu, ainsi que par le désir légitime d’être délivré de ses ennemis. D’autres comprennent ces versets comme une citation des propos tenus par les « gens méchants » contre le psalmiste.
- ↑ Translation footnote: Hebrew lacks They say.
- ↑ Translation footnote: Heb lacks They say
- ↑ Translation footnote: Les v. 6-19 citent les paroles des accusateurs. Certains interprètent cependant ces versets comme une malédiction que l'auteur du psaume prononcerait à l'encontre de ses adversaires. Voir v. 20 note.
- ↑ Translation footnote: "Le passage au singulier pour la malédiction des v. 6-19 s’explique si l’on admet que le psalmiste rapporte tout ce que profèrent contre lui ses adversaires (v. 2-5). Au v. 20 il retourne contre eux cette malédiction (voir 7,5.17), à moins qu'on n'adopte pour ce v. 20 la trad. du gr., voir note."
- ↑ Translation footnote: "Perhaps vv. 6-15 (within quotation marks here) expresses the accuser's enmity. cf. vv. 2-3, and what follows is the psalmist's retort, invoking the law of retaliation, vv. 16-20, see Ex 21:25f.