Top 3 Poetic Features

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Create Slides and Script

Writing a Script

Once the Poetic Features have been reviewed and approved, begin writing a script for a video. This can be done in a google doc.

What to keep in mind when writing a script for a video:

  • Opening & closing
    • Open the script with: "Welcome to the Layer by Layer Poetic Features for Psalm #. Our goal is to reveal the distinctive beauty and power of the original text of Psalm #, as the next best thing to knowing Hebrew yourself."
    • Close the script with: "This has been the Poetic Features video for Psalm #, in which we explore the natively Hebrew poetic nature of the psalm. Our Overview video provides a coherent interpretation of the Psalm, and our Exegetical Issues video discusses other scholarly views. All these videos are offered free of charge, thanks to the generosity of our donors. Please visit us at to learn more."
  • Structure
    • List the 3 features at the beginning.
    • Introduce each as: "We'll begin with ___ / We'll move now to our second poetic feature: ___ / We'll move now to our third poetic feature: ____"
    • Introduce each feature with a 2-3 sentence summary, followed by a fuller discussion.
  • Preparing for slides
    • Slides are more effective when they follow the script, rather than when the script follows the slides. Make sure information is added at a pace the slides can accommodate, and use yellow highlighter in the script to indicate the exact moment for a slide change.
  • Order of slides
    • begin by introducing the three features of the psalm and where they appear in the whole context of the Psalm
    • present a variety of textual variants and where helpful discuss relevant passage that appear elsewhere in the psalm or the rest of the bible
    • have in mind the use of the visual resources already created for the psalm (ex. grammatical diagrams) and discuss them in the script when necessary.
  • Citing published Bible translations
    • When referring to any text outside of this Psalm, try to use a published Bible translation and cite it accordingly. Unless there's a reason to use a particular translation, choose an ecumenical version (e.g. ESV, RSV).

Saving to the Drive

Save the script in 4. Psalms Project > Video scripts

Create slides

Use the slide template found here. Further comments and suggestions can be found on the template.

Make your slides in Google slides.

  • Formatting
    • each bullet point should be a separate slide (when the script has been broken down into bullets)
    • insert your psalm number and make sure it appears in the proper place on each slide
    • Choose icons from the noun project for each of the issues and for the psalm as a whole
      • Any icons used should be put in the images folder on the drive
      • If icons need to be created/modified figma is a good resource to edit svg files
      • there are some icon creators that are preferred (for example Adrien Coquet)
    • balance the texts with visuals and infographics. For infographics there are free packages online that can be cited (some options for arrows are provided on the last slide of the template)
    • Follow SBL formatting for fonts and follow the Scriptura brand style guide available in the shared google drive 3. Employee > Branding > Brand Style Guide

Confirming adherence to the template

  • When done, check the slides against the template, to ensure consistency in colours, fonts, sizes, spacing, verse display, etc.

Saving to the Drive

Save the slides you have created in 4. Psalms Project > Video Slides

Record Video

  1. Using Zoom, share your screen and then put the google slideshow you made in full screen. Begin to record your screen
  2. Edit your video in iMovie


At an open session read through your script (look at this as an informal draft of your video)

Upload Video

Send video to be uploaded by

  • Title within YouTube
    • Psalm #: Top 3 Poetic Features
  • Description within YouTube
    • This is the Poetic Features video of Psalm #, which explores the native beauty and the power of the Hebrew. The three poetic features are:
x:xx - First feature (timestamp for video -- link directly if possible, e.g.
x:xx - Second feature
x:xx - Third feature
This video is part of the Psalms: Layer by Layer project, run by Scriptura ( More information on these Poetic Features can be found at This Psalm also has an Overview video (LINK-TO-OVERVIEW) and an Exegetical Issues video (LINK-TO-EXEGETICAL-ISSUES).
  • Subtitles
    • Add the script as English subtitles to the video. (Automated subtitles are not sufficient for our purposes: in the past it has turned 'lyres and lutes' into 'liars and loots'!)