The phrase בְצִדְקָתֶךָ, specifically the meaning of the בְּ preposition, will be the focus of this exegetical issue. The majority of modern translations and ancient versions simply translate the בְּ preposition as ‘in’ and allow the ambiguity to stand, e.g.,[2]
Lead me, LORD, in your righteousness (NIV)
κύριε, ὁδήγησόν με ἐν τῇ δικαιοσύνῃ σου ‘O Lord, guide me in your righteousness’ (LXX)
The translations that do attempt to bring out exactly what is meant by ‘ your righteousness’ represent two options for understanding the meaning of בְּ ‘in’ here.
A few translations reflect an analysis where the בְּ is one that marks location.
E.g., ‘O Lord, lead me along your righteous path’ (JPS)
Other translations reflect a בְּ of mode.
E.g., ‘You do what is right, and I ask you to guide me’ (CEV).
According to the location interpretation, the בְּ introduces the ‘place’ where the psalmist wants God to lead him. The psalmist desires to be righteous as YHWH is righteous, and so he prays that YHWH would lead him 'in' his righteousness.
According to the mode interpretation, the phrase introduced by בְּ answers the questions ‘How? In what way? Under which circumstances’[3] in relation to the action denoted by the verb. Thus the psalmist makes his request for guidance with view to the fact that God is righteous. The CEV, cited above, brings out the circumstance whereby God is righteous by simply translating the phrase as a separate clause.
The following translation adopts both meanings:
HERR, erweise mir deine Treue und leite mich auf dem richtigen Weg (NGÜ).
Argument Maps[]
(Metaphorical) Location[]
A few translations interpret the בְּ here as introducing the metaphorical ‘place’ where the psalmist wants God to lead him, i.e., in God's righteous paths or ways (NLT, GNT, JPS).
Mode (Preferred)[]
Some translations translate the בְּ as a בְּ of mode. That is, the בְּ introduces the attendant circumstances accompanying the main verb (נְחֵנִי ‘lead me’). In other words the psalmist makes a request of God with a view to the fact (the ‘circumstance’) that God acts righteously (cf. CEV, NJB, GNB, BDS, PDV2017, NFC).
The frequent attribution of ‘righteousness’ to a metaphorical ‘path’ leads some to import this concept into the phrase בְצִדְקָתֶ֗ךָ in Psalm 5:9. Under this interpretation, the בְּ ends up expressed as a bet of location. This analysis is further reinforced by a very similar formulation in Psalm 27:11. When a metaphorical path is intended, however, the noun צְדָקָה is always in some attributive construction with another element (e.g., either a bound phrase or an adjectival phrase). The word צְדָקָה never occurs on its own as a reference to a metaphorical path. Furthermore, a number of examples of צְדָקָה introduced by modal bet can be cited. The similarity to Psalm 27:11 need not detract from the analysis since the phrase לְמַ֥עַן שׁוֹרְרָ֑י probably modifies both what comes before it and after it. This way, the similarity to Psalm 27:11 is maintained, and a complementary meaning is afforded to the verse 9: The Psalmist asks for his way to be made straight (9b) and appeals to God's righteousness in virtue of which the Psalmist can also ask for protection from enemies. For these reasons, we have analysed the בְּ in Psalm 5:9 a as a bet of mode: ‘YHWH, guide me because you are righteous!’
DeClaisse-Walford, Nancy L., Rolf A. Jacobson, and Beth LaNeel Tanner. 2014. The Book of Psalms. New International Commentary on the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans.
Hupfeld, Hermann. 1855. Die Psalmen. Vol. 1. Gotha: Friedrich Andreas Perthes.
Jenni, Ernst. 1992. Die Hebräischen Präpositionen Band 1: Die Präposition Beth. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer.
Zenger, Erich. 1993. Die Psalmen I: Psalm 1–50. Neue Echter Bibel. Würzburg: Echter.
↑It is not clear how some translations are understanding the preposition, e.g., ‘Lead me and protect me, Lord’ (REB); ‘Zeige denen, die mich verleumden, dass du zu mir stehst! Ebne mir den Weg, den ich gehen soll!’ (HFA).
↑Perhaps the instrumental translation of TOB could be seen as an extension of this option ‘Seigneur, conduis-moi par ta justice’
↑Translator's note: ‘Or “as You are righteous, lead me.”’
↑Translators note: aplanis ta voie...: certains, d'aprés quelques mss hébreux et grects, modifient le texte hébreu traditionnel pour lire aplanis ma voie devant toi