Psalm 51:8 [Eng. 6] reads הֵן אֱמֶת חָפַצְתָּ בַטֻּחוֹת וּבְסָתֻם חָכְמָה תוֹדִיעֵנִי.[1] The meaning and referents of the Hebrew words טֻחוֹת and סָתֻם are uncertain and contested in the translations. While the basic meaning of סָתֻם as 'closed off >> secret' is clear, opinions vary on what טֻחוֹת means. The same word appears in Job 38:36, where the meaning is even more controversial.[2] Furthermore, even once the meanings of these words are determined, translators and commentators differ with regard to what they refer to in the context.
Translations can be classified into four main interpretations with respect to the referents of טֻחוֹת and סָתֻם:
Darkness - Voici, tu aimes la vérité dans les ténèbres, dans ma nuit, tu me fais connaître là sagesse. (TOB)
The psalmist's mother's womb - Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb; you taught me wisdom in that secret place. (NIV)
The psalmist's interior being - You desire truth in the inward being; therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart. (NRSV)
The content of instruction - Indeed You desire truth about that which is hidden; teach me wisdom about secret things. (JPS 1985)
Argument Maps
The debate can be evaluated in two parts, one focusing on the meaning of טֻחוֹת and the other on the referents of טֻחוֹת and סָתֻם.
The meaning of טֻחוֹת in Ps. 51:8
The first aspect of the debate concerns the lexical semantics of טֻחוֹת in Ps. 51:8. The main options are to read it either as 'darkness' or 'covered up (things) >> secret (things)'.
In this first option, followed by the French TOB version, טֻחוֹת means 'darkness'. This can, in turn, have as a metaphorical extension the idea of 'obscurity' or even 'secrecy'. If the latter sense is accepted, then this interpretation may to a large degree converge with the others.
Covered up (things)
The alternative (with most versions) is to read טֻחוֹת as 'covered up (things)' with the metaphorical extension of 'secret (things)'. This leaves open the question of the referent of טֻחוֹת, as well as סָתֻם.
The referents of טֻחוֹת and סָתֻם in Ps. 51:8
If טֻחוֹת and סָתֻם both mean things or parts that are hidden away or secret, to what exactly do they refer? There are three main solutions that have been proposed in the literature and translations. The first two options suppose that טֻחוֹת and סָתֻם refer to internal organs in the human body that are observable only to God. The difference arises in whether the internal organs are thought to be those of the psalmist or the psalmist's mother while she was pregnant with the psalmist. The third option views these secret things not as body parts but rather esoteric wisdom that can only be revealed by God.
Internal organs = the psalmist's mother's womb
One option, preferred by versions such as the NIV and NLT, supposes that the hidden internal organs refer to the psalmist's mother's womb. The idea is that God desired faithfulness already when the psalmist was still in his mother's womb and taught him wisdom during his gestation.
Internal organs >> the psalmist's interior being (preferred)
This solution, which is preferred by most modern translations, supposes that the hidden parts refer to the psalmist's internal organs and by metaphorical extension his innermost being and character. On this view, God characteristically desires sincere, internalised truth/faithfulness, not just the external appearance. God's instruction in wisdom then is the kind of instruction that teaches the psalmist this type of genuine truth/faithfulness in the inner person.
The content of instruction
The final possible solution, supported by many ancient versions and modern translations like the JPS 1985 and GNB, supposes that טֻחוֹת and סָתֻם refer to the 'secret (things)' about wisdom that only God can reveal.[3] On this reading, God is concerned with and reveals secret truths about wisdom to the psalmist.
טֻחוֹת most likely derives from the root טוח with the meaning 'covered up (things)', which by extension is used to refer to things that are concealed or 'secret'. Even if טֻחוֹת is derived etymologically from the Egyptian god Thoth, the concept of hidden secrets still seems a likely derivative meaning. While 'darkness' or 'obscurity' are plausible extensions of this basic meaning, nothing lexically or contextually suggests this sense.
The interpretation of the 'secret things' as referring to esoteric knowledge has good ancient support but depends on a grammatical construction that is more prominent in texts later than Psalm 51 and encounters difficulties when reading בַטֻּחוֹת with v. 8a, as is suggested by the balance of lines. The interpretation of the 'secret things' as referring to the psalmist's mother's womb follows well as the positive counterpart to v. 7, but is in tension with the psalmist's overall negative self-appraisal and may be grammatically problematic. The interpretation of the 'secret things' as referring to the psalmist's internal organs and by extension his interior being and character has ancient support and fits most easily with the overall thrust of the psalm.
'Behold, you desire truth in the kidneys, and in the hidden place of the heart you will make me know wisdom.'[9]
Jerome (iuxta Hebr.): ecce enim veritatem diligis, absconditum et arcanum sapientiae manifestasti mihi.[10]
'for, behold, you love truth; you have revealed to me the hidden and secret (things) of wisdom.'[11]
Voici, tu aimes la vérité dans les ténèbres, dans ma nuit, tu me fais connaître là sagesse.[12] (TOB)
Mother's womb
Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb; you taught me wisdom in that secret place. (NIV)
But you desire honesty from the womb, teaching me wisdom even there. (NLT)
Content of instruction
Indeed You desire truth about that which is hidden; teach me wisdom about secret things.[13] (JPS 1985)
For behold thou hast loved truth: the uncertain and hidden things of thy wisdom thou hast made manifest to me. (Douay-Rheims)
Das war mir verborgen; du hast es mir gezeigt. Dir gefällt es, wenn jemand die Wahrheit erkennt.[14] (GNB)
Psalmist's interior being
Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart. (ESV)
Look, you desire integrity in the inner man; you want me to possess wisdom. (NET)
But you want complete honesty, so teach me true wisdom. (CEV)
Sincerity and truth are what you require; fill my mind with your wisdom. (GNT)
You desire faithfulness in the inmost being, so teach me wisdom in my heart. (REB)
You desire truth in the inward being; therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart.[15] (NRSV)
But you delight in sincerity of heart, and in secret you teach me wisdom. (NJB)
Du freust dich, wenn ein Mensch von Herzen aufrichtig ist; verhilf mir dazu und lass mich weise handeln! (HFA) [16]
Du liebst es, wenn ein Mensch durch und durch aufrichtig ist; so lehre mich doch im Tiefsten meines Herzens Weisheit! (NGÜ) [17]
Siehe, du hast Gefallen an Wahrheit im Innern, und im Verborgenen wirst du mir Weisheit kundtun. (ELB) [18]
Siehe, an Treue im Innersten hast du Gefallen, im Verborgenen lehrst du mich Weisheit. (EÜ)
Mais tu prends plaisir à la loyauté dans le fond du cœur ; au plus secret de moi-même, fais-moi connaître la sagesse ! (NBS) [19]
Mais tu prends plaisir à la vérité dans le fond du cœur : Au plus secret (de moi-même), fais-moi connaître la sagesse. (NVSR)
Mais tu veux que la sincérité demeure au fond de mon être. Tu m’enseignes la sagesse au plus profond de moi-même. (BDS)
Mais tu veux la vérité au fond de mon cœur. À ma conscience, tu enseignes la sagesse. (PDV)
Mais ce que tu aimes trouver dans le cœur d'une personne, c'est le respect de la vérité. Au plus profond de ma conscience, fais-moi connaître la sagesse.[20] (NFC)
Mais tu veux que la vérité soit au fond du cœur: fais-moi connaître la sagesse dans le secret de mon être! (S21)
Tú amas la verdad en lo íntimo y en lo secreto me has hecho comprender sabiduría. (RVR95)
Yo sé que tú amas la verdad en lo íntimo; en lo secreto me has enseñado sabiduría. (NVI)
En verdad, tú amas al corazón sincero, y en lo íntimo me has dado sabiduría. (DHH)
Siehe, du liebst Wahrheit, die im Verborgenen liegt, und im Geheimen tust du mir Weisheit kund. (Luther 2017)
Sieh, an Wahrheit hast du Gefallen, tief im Verborgenen, und im Geheimen tust du mir Weisheit kund. (ZÜR)
Secondary Literature
Bratcher, Robert G., and William D. Reyburn. 1991. A Handbook on Psalms. UBS Handbook Series (New York: United Bible Societies).
Dalglish, Edward R. 1962. Psalm Fifty-One in the Light of Ancient Near Eastern Patternism (Leiden: Brill).
Mowinckel, Sigmund. 1930. 'טחות und שֹכוי. Eine Studie zur Astrologie des Alten Testaments'. Acta Orientalia 8: 1–44.
Tate, Marvin E. 1998. Psalms 51–100. Word Biblical Commentary 20. Dallas: Word, Incorporated.
↑ Proposed meanings for טֻחוֹת in Job 38:36 include 'darkness', 'clouds', 'inner parts >> secret parts', 'Thoth', 'ibis (a symbol of Thoth, understanding the parallel שֶׂכְוִי as 'rooster')', or even the name of a planet. Because the viable interpretive options in Job 38:36 are considerably more diverse than in Ps 51:8, the Job reference is not very helpful for narrowing down the meaning in Psalm 51.
↑ This reading of the verse may also be alluded to in Sirach 39:7.
↑Translation footnote: Wörtlich: Du willst Wahrheit im Innersten, und im Verborgenen wirst du mir Weisheit kundtun.
↑Translation footnote: Wörtlich: "Siehe, du hast Gefallen an der Wahrheit im Inneren, im Verborgenen lehre du mich Weisheit" ( od "wirst du mich Weisheit lehren)".
↑Translation footnote: Die Bedeutung ist ungeklärt und wird aus der zweiten Verszeile (im Verborgenen, insgeheim) erschlossen.
↑Translation footnote: traduction incertaine d'un terme hébreu rare ; une interprétation juive traditionnelle comprend dans les reins ; autres traductions possibles dans les ténèbres, dans le lieu caché ; cf. Jr 17.9-10n.
↑Translation footnote: Autre traduction Fais-moi connaître le secret de la sagesse.