Back to Psalm 12
Psalm 12:8b reads, according to the traditional Hebrew text (Masoretic text, Leningrad Codex):
תִּצְּרֶ֓נּוּ׀ מִן־הַדּ֖וֹר ז֣וּ לְעוֹלָֽם
The NRSV and ESV translate this line as "you will guard us from this generation forever." The NET, however, translates it as "you will continually shelter each one from these evil people." When our own CBC translation is included in the comparison, an additional difference comes to light: "you will protect him forever from the generation which is forever .
There are three interpretive issues in this line, the first two of which are closely related. The third issue is distinct from the first two issues.
The vocalization of תצרנו
תִּצְּרֵנוּ ("us")
תִּצְּרֶנּוּ ("him" or possibly "us")
The morphology of תִּצְּרֶנּוּ
1cp pronoun suffix ("us")
3ms pronoun suffix ("him")
The syntactic function of זוּ
Demonstrative pronoun
Relative particle
Argument Maps
The Vocalisation of תצרנו
The first issue concerns the reading of the text. Should תצרנו be vocalized as תִּצְּרֵנוּ with some Hebrew manuscripts and ancient versions, or should it be vocalized as תִּצְּרֶנּוּ as in the best manuscripts of the Tiberian Masoretic tradition?
Read as תִּצְּרֵנוּ
Some argue that the consonants תצרנו should be pronounced as תִּצְּרֵנוּ, such that the pronominal suffix is read as a 1cp suffix ("us").
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[תִּצְּרֵנוּ]: The MT תִּצְּרֶנּוּ should be revocalized to תִּצְּרֵנוּ (BHS, Craigie 2004:137 :C: ). #dispreferred
+ <External evidence>: Some of the ancient versions and some Hebrew manuscripts read the suffix as 1cp ("us"). #dispreferred
+ [External evidence]: LXX (ἡμᾶς), Jerome (nos), and some medieval Hebrew manuscripts (תִּצְּרֵנוּ) (cf. De Rossi IV, 6). #dispreferred
<_ <Ancient witnesses disagree>: The ancient witnesses show disagreement on this point.
+ [Ancient witnesses disagree]: LXX and Jerome (1cp), Syriac (1cs), Targum and αλλος (3mp), Aquila and Theodotion (3p neuter αυτα).
Argument Map n0 תִּצְּרֵנוּ The MT תִּצְּרֶנּוּ should be revocalized to תִּצְּרֵנוּ (BHS, Craigie 2004:137 🄲). n1 External evidence LXX (ἡμᾶς), Jerome (nos), and some medieval Hebrew manuscripts (תִּצְּרֵנוּ) (cf. De Rossi IV, 6). n3 External evidence Some of the ancient versions and some Hebrew manuscripts read the suffix as 1cp ("us"). n1->n3 n2 Ancient witnesses disagree LXX and Jerome (1cp), Syriac (1cs), Targum and αλλος (3mp), Aquila and Theodotion (3p neuter αυτα). n4 Ancient witnesses disagree The ancient witnesses show disagreement on this point. n2->n4 n3->n0 n4->n3
Read as תִּצְּרֶנּוּ (preferred)
Others argue that תצרנו should be vocalized as תִּצְּרֶנּוּ, such that the pronominal suffix is most likely interpreted as a 3ms suffix ("him").
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[תִּצְּרֶנּוּ]: The vocalization of the MT (תִּצְּרֶנּוּ) is correct.
+ <MT Tradition>: The reading tradition of the MT (represented here in the Aleppo and Leningrad codices) has ancient roots and is generally reliable.
+ <More difficult reading>: The reading of the MT (תִּצְּרֶנּוּ, probably a 3ms suffix) is more difficult than תִּצְּרֶנּוּ ("us"), since the antecedent of a 3ms suffix is not immediately clear. Given its difficulty, the MT reading is unlikely to have arisen as a secondary reading.
- <Not coherent>: The MT reading does not make sense, because there is no antecedent to the 3ms suffix. #dispreferred
- <Probable Antecedent>: The 3mp suffix in the previous line (תִּשְׁמְרֵם) refers back to the poor and afflicted in v. 6a. The suffix in this line, therefore, probably refers to the one who is mentioned in v. 6c (לוֹ) (Kraus 1988:207 :C: ; cf. Delitzsch 1883:249 :C: ; Zenger 1993:94). Cf. the same alternation between singular and plural suffixes in v. 2ab.
Argument Map n0 תִּצְּרֶנּוּ The vocalization of the MT (תִּצְּרֶנּוּ) is correct. n1 MT Tradition The reading tradition of the MT (represented here in the Aleppo and Leningrad codices) has ancient roots and is generally reliable. n1->n0 n2 More difficult reading The reading of the MT (תִּצְּרֶנּוּ, probably a 3ms suffix) is more difficult than תִּצְּרֶנּוּ ("us"), since the antecedent of a 3ms suffix is not immediately clear. Given its difficulty, the MT reading is unlikely to have arisen as a secondary reading. n2->n0 n3 Not coherent The MT reading does not make sense, because there is no antecedent to the 3ms suffix. n3->n0 n4 Probable Antecedent The 3mp suffix in the previous line (תִּשְׁמְרֵם) refers back to the poor and afflicted in v. 6a. The suffix in this line, therefore, probably refers to the one who is mentioned in v. 6c (לוֹ) (Kraus 1988:207 🄲; cf. Delitzsch 1883:249 🄲; Zenger 1993:94). Cf. the same alternation between singular and plural suffixes in v. 2ab. n4->n3
The Morphology of תִּצְּרֶנּוּ
Even if the text is vocalized as תִּצְּרֶנּוּ, it remains to be determined whether the suffix should be interpreted as a 3ms suffix ("him") or as a 1cp suffix ("us").
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[3rd person singular]: The object suffix on תִּצְּרֶנּוּ should be read as a 3ms suffix ("him").
+ <Energic nun singular suffixes>
- <Not coherent>: The MT reading does not make sense, because there is no antecedent to the 3ms suffix. #dispreferred
- <Probable Antecedent>: The 3mp suffix in the previous line (תִּשְׁמְרֵם) refers back to the poor and afflicted in v. 6a. The suffix in this line, therefore, probably refers to the one who is mentioned in v. 6c (לוֹ) (Kraus 1988:207 :C: ; cf. Delitzsch 1883:249 :C: ; Zenger 1993:94). Cf. the same alternation between singular and plural suffixes in v. 2ab.
[1st person plural]: The object suffix on תִּצְּרֶנּוּ should be read as a 1cp suffix ("us").#dispreferred
- <Energic nun singular suffixes>: Energic nun suffixes "occur on non-perfective forms with singular suffixes" (IBHS §31.7. 2 :G: ), not plural suffixes.
<_ [Energic nun plural suffix]: "An example of נּוּ as 1st plural. occurs perhaps in Jb 31:15... cf. הִנֶּנּוּ Gen. 44:16; 50:18; Num. 14:40" (GKC §58k :G: ). #dispreferred
Argument Map n0 3rd person singular The object suffix on תִּצְּרֶנּוּ should be read as a 3ms suffix ("him"). n1 1st person plural The object suffix on תִּצְּרֶנּוּ should be read as a 1cp suffix ("us"). n2 Energic nun plural suffix "An example of נּוּ as 1st plural. occurs perhaps in Jb 31:15... cf. הִנֶּנּוּ Gen. 44:16; 50:18; Num. 14:40" (GKC §58k 🄶). n3 Energic nun singular suffixes Energic nun suffixes "occur on non-perfective forms with singular suffixes" (IBHS §31.7.2 🄶), not plural suffixes. n2->n3 n3->n0 n3->n1 n4 Not coherent The MT reading does not make sense, because there is no antecedent to the 3ms suffix. n4->n0 n5 Probable Antecedent The 3mp suffix in the previous line (תִּשְׁמְרֵם) refers back to the poor and afflicted in v. 6a. The suffix in this line, therefore, probably refers to the one who is mentioned in v. 6c (לוֹ) (Kraus 1988:207 🄲; cf. Delitzsch 1883:249 🄲; Zenger 1993:94). Cf. the same alternation between singular and plural suffixes in v. 2ab. n5->n4
The Syntactic Function of זוּ
A second grammatical issue in this line is the syntactic function of זוּ. Does it function here as a demonstrative pronoun ("this generation") or as a relative particle ("the generation which is forever")?
The vast majority of translators and commentators claim that זוּ functions as a demonstrative in this clause ("this generation").
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[Demonstrative pronoun]: זוּ is a demonstrative pronoun ("this generation") (BDB :L: ; GKC §126y :G: ). #dispreferred
- <Definiteness mismatch>: זוּ does not have the definite article and therefore cannot modify הדור, which has the definite article.
<_ <Article omission>: "The article is sometimes omitted with demonstratives, since they are already to a certain extent determined by their meaning" (GKC §126y). #dispreferred
+ [Article omission]: E.g. , Gen. 19:33 (בַּלַּיְלָה הוּא); Gen. 24:8 (מִשְּׁבֻעָתִי זֹאת); Gen. 38:21 (הַקְּדֵשָׁה הִוא); Ex. 10:1 (אֹתֹתַי אֵלֶּה); Mesha Inscription line 3 (הבמת זאת). #dispreferred
- <Usage>: There is no clear evidence of זוּ functioning as a demonstrative.
+ <Ancient Testimony>: Most of the ancient witnesses read זוּ as a demonstrative. #dispreferred
+ [Ancient versions]: LXX (τῆς γενεᾶς ταύτης), Syriac (ܕܪܐ ܗܢܐ), Jerome (hac), Targum (דרא בישא הדין) #dispreferred
<_ <LXX>: The LXX (ἀπὸ τῆς γενεᾶς ταύτης καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα) may have divided the words differently so as to read הדור ז ולעולם instead of הדור זו לעולם. The LXX cannot, therefore, be used as evidence to suggest that זו is a demonstrative.
+ [11QPsc]: 11QPsc reads מן הדור זה̇.
<_ [Αλλος]: At least one Greek translator appears to have read זו as a relative particle: τη γενεα τη αιωνια.
+ <"This generation">: There are a number of other references in the Bible to "this generation." #dispreferred
+ ["This generation"]: E.g. , Gen. 7:1 (בַּדּ֥וֹר הַזֶּֽה), Deut. 1:35 (הַדּ֥וֹר הָרָ֖ע הַזֶּ֑ה). #dispreferred
Argument Map n0 Demonstrative pronoun זוּ is a demonstrative pronoun ("this generation") (BDB 🄻; GKC §126y 🄶). n1 Article omission E.g., Gen. 19:33 (בַּלַּיְלָה הוּא); Gen. 24:8 (מִשְּׁבֻעָתִי זֹאת); Gen. 38:21 (הַקְּדֵשָׁה הִוא); Ex. 10:1 (אֹתֹתַי אֵלֶּה); Mesha Inscription line 3 (הבמת זאת). n7 Article omission "The article is sometimes omitted with demonstratives, since they are already to a certain extent determined by their meaning" (GKC §126y). n1->n7 n2 Ancient versions LXX (τῆς γενεᾶς ταύτης), Syriac (ܕܪܐ ܗܢܐ), Jerome (hac), Targum (דרא בישא הדין) n9 Ancient Testimony Most of the ancient witnesses read זוּ as a demonstrative. n2->n9 n3 11QPsc 11QPsc reads מן הדור זה̇. n3->n9 n4 Αλλος At least one Greek translator appears to have read זו as a relative particle: τη γενεα τη αιωνια. n4->n9 n5 "This generation" E.g., Gen. 7:1 (בַּדּ֥וֹר הַזֶּֽה), Deut. 1:35 (הַדּ֥וֹר הָרָ֖ע הַזֶּ֑ה). n11 "This generation" There are a number of other references in the Bible to "this generation." n5->n11 n6 Definiteness mismatch זוּ does not have the definite article and therefore cannot modify הדור, which has the definite article. n6->n0 n7->n6 n8 Usage There is no clear evidence of זוּ functioning as a demonstrative. n8->n0 n9->n0 n10 LXX The LXX (ἀπὸ τῆς γενεᾶς ταύτης καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα) may have divided the words differently so as to read הדור ז ולעולם instead of הדור זו לעולם. The LXX cannot, therefore, be used as evidence to suggest that זו is a demonstrative. n10->n2 n11->n0
Relative Particle
Some have argued that זוּ functions as a relative particle in this clause ("the generation which is forever").
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[Relative particle]: זוּ functions as a relative pronoun ("generation which is forever") (DCH :L: ; cf. IBHS §19.5; Goldingay 2006:196 :C: ).
+ <Usage>: זו functions as a relative particle in every other instance in which it appears in the Bible. "The poetic form זוּ... is used chiefly as a relative pronoun" (JM §36b, cf. §145c)
+ E.g. , Ex. 15:13, 16; Isa. 42:24; 43:21; Hab. 1:11(?); Pss. 9:16; 10:2; 17:9; 32:8; 62:12; 68:29; 142:4; 143:8.
- <Meaning>: The phrase "the generation which is forever" does not make sense. #dispreferred
<_ <Possible explanation>: "The generation which is forever" may refer to "the generation (דור) which seems to go on forever (בדור ודור) without trouble." Cf. Ps. 10:6 – "The wicked has said to himself, ‘throughout all generations, in which there is no trouble, I will not be shaken.’"
<_ <Possible motivation>: The poet may have chosen this odd expression for the sake of its sound (cf. זלות in v. 9b).
Argument Map n0 Relative particle זוּ functions as a relative pronoun ("generation which is forever") (DCH 🄻; cf. IBHS §19.5; Goldingay 2006:196 🄲). n1 E.g., Ex. 15:13, 16; Isa. 42:24; 43:21; Hab. 1:11(?); Pss. 9:16; 10:2; 17:9; 32:8; 62:12; 68:29; 142:4; 143:8. n2 Usage זו functions as a relative particle in every other instance in which it appears in the Bible. "The poetic form זוּ... is used chiefly as a relative pronoun" (JM §36b, cf. §145c) n1->n2 n2->n0 n3 Meaning The phrase "the generation which is forever" does not make sense. n3->n0 n4 Possible explanation "The generation which is forever" may refer to "the generation (דור) which seems to go on forever (בדור ודור) without trouble." Cf. Ps. 10:6 – "The wicked has said to himself, ‘throughout all generations, in which there is no trouble, I will not be shaken.’" n4->n3 n5 Possible motivation The poet may have chosen this odd expression for the sake of its sound (cf. זלות in v. 9b). n5->n3
You will protect him from the generation which is forever .
The vocalization of the MT (תִּצְּרֶנּוּ) is preferred for two reasons: (1) There is no strong alternative reading to suggest abandoning the generally reliable vocalization of the MT (the versions are mixed); (2) The MT's reading is more difficult. If the MT vocalization is adopted, then the suffix on תִּצְּרֶנּוּ is best interpreted as a 3ms suffix. Energic suffixes are (almost?) always singular, not plural. Furthermore, just as the 3mp suffix in the previous line refers to the poor and afflicted in v. 6a, so the suffix in this line probably refers to the one who is mentioned in v. 6c.
For the second issue (the interpretation of זוּ), we disagree with the vast majority of translators and interpreters who see זוּ as a demonstrative pronoun ("this generation"). This view is attractive, and it makes good sense of the text. There is, however, no evidence in the Hebrew Bible that זוּ can function as a demonstrative. In every other instance, it functions as a relative particle (see Ex. 15:13, 16; Isa. 42:24; 43:21; Hab. 1:11(?); Pss. 9:16; 10:2; 17:9; 32:8; 62:12; 68:29; 142:4; 143:8), and there is no strong reason to posit an exception in this case. "The generation which is forever" may refer to the fact that the present generation of evil people seems to have no end. The poet may have chosen such an odd expression for the sake of its sound (compare זו לעולם in v. 8b and זולות in v. 9b).
BDB – 1. a demonstr. Hb 1:11 זוּ כֹחוֹ this his strength, ψ 12:8 מִן־הַדּוֹר זוּ (unusual, for הַזֶּה)
HALOT – Ps 12:8 זוּ לְעוֹלָם rd. זוֹלֵל וְעַוָּל.
DCH – הַדּוֹר זוּ לְעוֹלָם appar. the generation that is for ever Ps 12:8 (unless זוּ is adj., guard us for ever from this generation ; or em. זוּ לְעוֹלָם that is for ever to זוֹלֵל וְעַוָּל worthless and wicked generation).
Radak – מן הדור זו מזה הדור, שהם רשעים
LXX: καὶ διατηρήσεις ἡμᾶς ἀπὸ τῆς γενεᾶς ταύτης καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα
"and you will preserve us from this generation and forever" (NETS )
Αλλος: αμα τη γενεα τη αιωνια
Syr.:ܫܘܙܒܝܢܝ ܘܦܨܢܝ ܡܢ ܕܪܐ ܗܢܐ ܠܥܠܡ܂
"redeem me and save me, from this generation to eternity" (Bauscher 2019).
Jer.: servabis nos a generations hac in aeternum
Tg.:תנצרינון מן דרא בישא הדין לעלמין
"you will guard them from this evil generation forever" (Stec 2004)
"Us" (1st person plural pronoun object)
Future indicative ("will guard us")
you will guard us from this generation forever (ESV, NRSV)
and will protect us forever from the wicked (NIV)
and will forever guard us from such people (REB)
You will... always keep us safe from those people (CEV)
und wirst uns für immer vor diesen selbstherrlichen Menschen beschützen (HFA)
Du wirst uns vor diesen Lügnern bewahren (GNB)
Tu nous protégeras toujours de cette engeance-là (TOB)
tu nous préserveras de cette génération pour toujours (NBS)
Tu nous préserveras de cette race à jamais (NVS78P)
et tu nous protégeras ╵toujours contre ces individus (BDS)
et nous, tu nous protégeras toujours contre les gens mauvais (PDV2017)
tu nous préserveras toujours de ces gens mauvais (NFC)
siempre nos protegerás de tales gentes (DHH)
Imperative ("guard us!")
guard us from a profligate and evil generation (NEB)
und [wollest] uns behüten vor diesem Geschlecht ewiglich! (LUT)
Him/Them (3rd person singular pronoun object)
you will continually shelter each one from these evil people (NET)
guarding each from this age evermore (JPS85)
wirst ihn behüten vor dieser Generation ewig (ELB)
wirst ihn für immer bewahren vor dieser Generation (ZÜR)
wirst ihn bewahren vor diesem Geschlecht auf immer (EÜ)
thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever (KJV)
preserving them forever from this lying generation (NLT)
you will protect them from that brood for ever (NJB)
du wirst sie für immer bewahren vor diesen Leuten (NGÜ)
los preservarás para siempre de esta generación (RVR95)
tú siempre los defenderás de esta gente (NVI)