Style Guide

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Unless otherwise specified in this style guide, Scriptura materials follow the conventions of The SBL Handbook of Style (2nd ed.) from 2014.[1] For situations not covered in the SBH Handbook, we default to The Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed.) (CMS) from 2017.



Biblical book names without a specific chapter or verse reference may be written out in full. General citations of scripture--both in the main text and in parentheses--should be abbreviated as indicated in the abbreviations section below. Note that the abbreviation for multiple "Psalms" is "Pss", whereas the singular is "Ps".

Chapter and verse numbers should be separated by a colon with no space, as in (Ps 122:3). Multiple verses in the same chapter can be separated by parentheses, and ranges of verses can be separated by hyphens or en-dashes, e.g., (Ps 10:1, 4-5). Multiple references should be separated with semicola, with each abbreviated book name listed only once, e.g., (Gen 1:5; Deut 2:1; Pss 1:3; 10:1, 4-5).

With regard to capitalization:

  • Referring to the book = Psalms
  • Referring to one psalm = psalm (e.g., this psalm describes…)
  • Referring to a psalm by number = Psalm #
  • Referring to the author = psalmist
  • Referring to the canonical book of Psalms = the Psalter

When quoting a specific modern translation, the abbreviated translation name should be provided as indicated in the abbreviations section below, e.g., (ESV) or (Ps 122:3 [ESV]).

Other ancient works

In-text citations

(Ancient author [if known], Abbrv. book name, Chapter/Book/Column.Verse/Line [Translator's name if including quoted text])
(Josephus, Ant. 2.233-235).

(Ancient text title, reference (collection name, page)).

(Esarhaddon Chronicle, lines 3-4 [ABC, 125]).

NB Ancient text titles should generally be given in Roman script without italics or quotation marks.

Mishnaic and Talmudic texts should be cited with lower-case letters indicating source (m. = Mishnah; t. Tosefta; b. = Babylonian Talmud; y. = Jerusalem Talmud), section/chapter (following SBL abbreviations), and standard reference by folio or section.

(b. B. Bat. 14b–15a; y. B. Bat. 10:1, 17c).

Bibliography entries

In most cases, ancient texts can simply be cited as in the in-text citations noted above. But when it is necessary to make reference to specific text editions or to include modern translations, these works should also be included in the bibliography.

Modern translator/editor(s). Publ. date. Ancient author: Title. # vols. Series Series#. Place: Publisher.

Grayson, Albert Kirk. 1975. Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles. TCS. Locust Valley, NY: Augstin.

Moore, Clifford H., and John Jackson, transl. 1937. Tacitus: The Histories and The Annals. 4 vols. LCL. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Thackeray, Henry St. J., et al., transl. 1926-1965. Josephus. 10 vols. LCL. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

NB This citation format with translator/editor first and ancient author later matches, but not the SBL Handbook. The SBL Handbook does not say how to list these editions when using the Author-Date format. We should check the full CMS version to see what they recommend. But I personally like the modern translator first in the bibliographic entry. Otherwise, you end up with weird things like: Tacitus. 1937.


Refer to manuscripts using the respective conventional reference formats.

Dead Sea Scrolls

Dead Sea Scrolls are referred to by: 1) Cave#; 2) SiteName; 3a) ID# or 3b) (abbrev.) TextTitle; 4) superscripted letter indicating which copy of a the text from that site (only if using titles).

11Q5 = 11QPsa = The 5th manuscript and first Psalm scroll published from Qumran cave 11.

11Q11 = 11QapocrPs = The Apocryphal Psalms collection from Qumran cave 11, which is the 11th published manuscript from this cave.

When providing references to texts in the DSS, columns from large scrolls can be referred to using standard column (in upper case Roman numerals) and line numbers in the published editions.

11Q11 IV 5 = column 4, line 5.

For more fragmentary scrolls that are not reconstructed in their editions, provide references by: 1) fragment#; 2) column# (in lower case Roman numerals); 3) and line#.

4Q176 1-2 ii 7 = line 7 of the second column preserved on the cluster of fragments 1-2.

Other manuscripts

Famous manuscripts like the "Leningrad," Aleppo, and Sassoon (Hebrew) codices and the (Greek) codices Vaticanus, Sinaiticus, and Alexandrinus may be referred to by their common names.

Septuagint manuscripts should normally be referred to by their identifiers in Rahlfs' Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments when available. This is the number they are assigned in the Göttingen editions of the Septuagint.

Ra 2110 = P. Bodmer XXIV = the Bodmer codex of the Psalter.

For manuscripts published in major series like KTU (Die keilalphabetischen Texte aus Ugarit), PSI (Papiri della Società Italiana), or the Oxyrhynchus papyri, you can refer to their published identifiers.

KTU 1.4

PSI VIII 980 = PSI volume 8, number 980.

P.Oxy. LXXVII 5101 = Oxyrhynchus papyri volume 77, number 5101.

For all other manuscripts, refer to them by: 1) location; 2) holding institution; and 3) inventory number.

Berlin, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Ms. Or. Qu. 680.

London, BL (British Library) Or. 2373.

Secondary Literature


In-text citations and bibliographies follow the SBL/CMS Author-Date format. For quick reference, see Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide. See below for specific guidelines. Some of the examples below are taken directly from the SBL Handbook.

Direct quotations always need to be explicitly indicated with quotation marks or as block-quotations and cited with specific source and page number. Evidence and arguments drawn from secondary sources need to be attributed to these sources. Common knowledge statements and general information do not need to be supported with citations. When in doubt, cite your sources to avoid accidental plagiarism, which is an essential aspect of academic integrity.

NB Some standard reference works are frequently used in Scriptura materials and should be referred to by their abbreviations as indicated in the abbreviations section below. They do not need to be written out in full in the bibliography of every page on which they are cited. Article/entry author names do not need to be cited, unless the identity of the author is particularly pertinent to the question at hand. It is only necessary to provide page numbers when directly quoting an entry or in order to disambiguate in cases where multiple entries are relevant.

In-text citations

For secondary literature, in-text citations are provided as:

(Author Date, Pages).

Page numbers: Page ranges should not be abbreviated, but can be written out in full with a hyphen or en-dash indicating ranges of pages, e.g., (Day 1979, 146-149). Do not use "f." or "ff." to indicate page ranges, but list the exact page numbers. Page numbers may be omitted when referring to the general argument or frequently repeated themes of a work (Day 1979), but should be provided when referring to evidence or argument found on a specific page or range of pages. Page numbers do not generally need to be added when referring to commentaries where the location of relevant material is obvious based on the sequential format, but direct quotations must always include exact page numbers. Where it is important to identify the volume number along with the page number in a multi-volume work, this can be done before a colon followed by the page number, e.g., (Moore 1997, 2:228).

Authors: The author's name may be omitted from the parentheses if it is stated or obvious in the sentence. When citing works with two authors, include the names of both authors, e.g., (Gilbert and Pisano 1980). When citing works with three or more authors, use et al. [= and others], e.g., (LaSor et al. 1996).

Multiple works: Multiple works should be separated by semi-cola and be listed within a single in-text citation without repeating authors' names, e.g., (Mowinckel 1962; Day 1979; Willgren 2016, 121-123; 2020). When multiple sources are cited for the same author from the same year, they are distinguished using letters of the English alphabet as discussed below under bibliographic entries, e.g., (Willgren 2016a; 2016b; 2016c).

Examples: See here multiple in-context examples for (Day 1979, 145):

  • This is a general-purpose argument citing an author (Day 1979, 145).
  • "This is a direct quote from Day" (Day 1979, 145). NB In this case, the citation and punctuation are outside the quotation marks.
  • This is something that can be found in Day 1979, 145.
  • This is a reference to Day (1979, 145), who is named in the main text and does not need to be named again within the parentheses.

Bibliography Entries

Every reference to secondary literature (other than common abbreviations for standard reference works) needs to be included in a bibliography of resources cited on a given page along with a link to this style guide. In general, all bibliographic references, regardless of type, begin with the author and date. When an author has more than one bibliographic entry for a single year, these should be distinguished with English letters in both in-text citations and bibliography, e.g., (Willgren 2016a; 2016b; 2016c). In such cases, for the second and following entries, the author's name may be substituted with eight underscores as follows:

Willgren, David. 2016a. etc.
________. 2016b. etc.
________. 2016c. etc.

Title formats depend on the capitalization conventions in the respective languages in which they are written, but punctuation may be modified to fit the bibliographic style.

For English titles, the first word and all words other than articles, coordinating conjunctions, and prepositions should be capitalized. A subtitle follows after a colon.

The Book of Psalms: A Translation with Commentary

For German titles, capitalize the first words of the title and subtitle and all nouns.

"Von der Tora im hebräischen Psalm 119 zum Nomos im griechischen Psalm 118: Was die Wiedergabe über die Gesetzestheologie des Übersetzers verrät und was nicht"

For French and Latin titles, capitalize the first word (including accents) of the title and subtitle and any other words that would be capitalized in normal writing (e.g., proper nouns).

La composition littéraire du Psautier: Un état de la question

For titles in Hebrew or other non-Roman scripts, provide both the original title and English translation.

"ארבע הברכות וחמשת ה'ספרים' שבספר תהלים/The Four Doxologies and the Five 'Books' in the Book of Psalms"

Articles (in journals)

Author name. Publ. date. Title. Series name Volume#, no. Issue#: Pages.

Day, John. 1979. "Echoes of Baal's Seven Thunders and Lightnings in Psalm XXIX and Habakkuk III 9 and the Identity of the Seraphim in Isaiah VI." VT 29, no. 2: 143-151.

NB, If journals do not provide issue numbers, then this can be omitted, so the example above would be VT 29: 143-151.

Essays in edited books

Author name. Publ. date. "Title." Pages ## in Book title. Edited by Editor name(s). Place of publ.: Publisher.

Van Seters, John. 1995. “The Theology of the Yahwist: A Preliminary Sketch.” Pages 219–28 in “Wer ist wie du, Herr, unter den Göttern?”: Studien zur Theologie und Religionsgeschichte Israels für Otto Kaiser zum 70. Geburtstag. Edited by Ingo Kottsieper et al. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Books (incl. commentaries)

Author name. Publ. date. Title. Abbrv. series title Volume#. Translated by Translator name. Place of publ.: Publisher.

Craigie, Peter. 1983. Psalms 1-50. WBC 19. Waco, TX: Word.

Egger, Wilhelm. 1996. How to Read the New Testament: An Introduction to Linguistic and Historical-Critical Methodology. Translated by Peter Heinegg. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson.

Kraft, Robert A., and George W. E. Nickelsburg, eds. 1986. Early Judaism and Its Modern Interpreters. Philadelphia: Fortress; Atlanta: Scholars Press.

Moore, George Foot. 1997. Judaism in the First Three Centuries of the Christian Era: The Age of Tannaim. 3 vols. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1927–1930. Repr., 3 vols. in 2, Peabody, MA: Hendrickson.

Robinson, James M., and Helmut Koester. 1971. Trajectories through Early Christianity. Philadelphia: Fortress.


This style guide provides the master list for all abbreviations used in Scriptura materials and is based on the SBL Handbook. For Bible book names, Bible translation codes, ancient text editions/translations, and listed standard reference works, the abbreviations may be used without linking to the style guide. But all pages with bibliographies that use journal or book series abbreviations must contain a link to this abbreviations section. For an exhaustive list, see the SBL Handbook, section 8.4, pp. 171-260. We will not generally distinguish between abbreviations in Roman or italic scripts, unless there is potential ambiguity. If you use a new abbreviation for a journal or series title from the SBL Handbook in Scriptura materials, please add it to the relevant section to maintain a running list.

Books of the Bible

When referring generally to biblical books, you can use the full English titles. But when citing specific passages, use the SBL biblical book abbreviations below.

  • OT: Gen, Exod, Lev, Num, Deut, Josh, Judg, Ruth, 1-2 Sam, 1-2 Kgs, 1-2 Chr, Ezra, Neh, Esth, Job, Ps (Pl.: Pss), Prov, Eccl, Song, Isa, Jer, Lam, Ezek, Dan, Hos, Joel, Amos, Obad, Jonah, Mic, Nah, Hab, Zeph, Hag, Zech, Mal
  • NT: Matt, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Rom, 1-2 Cor, Gal, Eph, Phil, Col, 1-2 Thess, 1-2 Tim, Titus, Phlm, Heb, Jas, 1-2 Pet, 1-2-3 John, Jude, Rev

Standard Modern Bible translations

Use abbreviations from youversion when available.

  • German: LUT, HFA, NGÜ, ELB, EÜ, GNB, ZÜR
  • French: TOB, NBS, NVS78P, BDS, PDV2017, NFC
  • Spanish: RVR95, NVI, DHH94I
  • For ancient translations and modern translations of ancient versions, see below.

Ancient texts and translations

  • Hebrew
    • MT (Masoretic text according to Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia = BHS)
    • SP (Samaritan Pentateuch according to Von Gall, Der Hebräische Pentateuch der Samariter)
    • DSS (Dead Sea Scrolls; individual manuscripts listed by find site and name or number)
  • Greek
    • LXX (Septuagint/Old Greek)
    • α′ (Aquila)
    • θ′ (Theodotion)
    • σ′ (Symmachus)
    • ε′ (Quinta)
    • ς′ (Sexta)
  • Syriac/Aramaic
  • Latin
    • Vulg. (Jerome's Vulgate; Wevers and Gryson, Biblia Sacra)
      • Gall. = Gallicanum (Jerome's Gallican Psalter according to the Septuagint)
        • Modern translation
      • Hebr. = Hebraicum (Jerome's Hebrew Psalter according to the Hebrew)

Standard reference works

  • ANET (Pritchard, James B. 1978. Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press)
  • BDB (Brown, Driver, and Briggs, A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament)
  • BHRG (van der Merwe et al., A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar [2nd ed.])
  • COS (Hallo, William W. and K. Lawson Younger. 2016. The Context of Scripture. Leiden: Brill)
  • CTAT (Barthelemy's Critique textuelle de l'Ancien Testament)
  • DBLG (Swanson, James. 1997. A Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Greek New Testament. Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc.)
  • DBLH (Swanson, James. 1997. A Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Hebrew Old Testament. Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc.)
  • DCH (Clines, Dictionary of Classical Hebrew)
  • GKC (Gesenius-Kautzsch-Cowley Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar)
  • KAI (Donner, H. and W. Röllig. 1966. Kanaanäische und Aramäische Inschriften. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz)
  • HALOT (Kohler and Baumgartner, The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament)
  • HOTTP (Hebrew Old Testament Text Project)
  • IBHS (Waltke and O'Conner, An Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax)
  • JM (Joüon and Muraoka, A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew)
  • LTW (Mangum, Douglas, Derek R. Brown, Rachel Klippenstein, and Rebekah Hurst, eds. 2014. The Lexham Theological Wordbook. Lexham Bible Reference Series. Bellingham: Lexham Press.)
  • NIDOTTE (VanGemeren, New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis)
  • SDBH (de Blois, Semantic Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew)
  • TDOT (Botterweck et al., Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament)
  • TWOT (Archer et al., Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament)

Book and commentary series

  • ANTC (Abingdon New Testament Commentaries)
  • AOTC (Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries)
  • AB (Anchor Bible (or *Anchor Yale Bible))
  • ACCS (Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture)
  • ApOTC (Appolos Old Testament Commentary)
  • ACNT (Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament)
  • BECNT (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the NT)
  • BST (Bible Speaks Today)
  • BNTC (Black's New Testament Commentaries)
  • BTC (Brazos Theological Commentary)
  • ECC (Eerdmans Critical Commentary)
  • REBC (Expositor's Bible Commentary, Revised)
  • FAT (Forschungen zum Alten Testament)
  • FAT.2 (Forschungen zum Alten Testament, second series)
  • Hermeneia (Hermeneia)
  • HKAT (Handkommentar zum Alten Testament)
  • ICC (International Critical Commentary)
  • IBC (Interpretation)
  • IVPNTC (IVP New Testament Commentary)
  • NAC (New American Commentary)
  • NCBC (New Cambridge Bible Commentary)
  • NCB (New Century Bible)
  • NIBCNT (New International Biblical Commentary on the NT)
  • NIBCOT (New International Biblical Commentary on the OT)
  • NICNT (New International Commentary on the NT)
  • NICOT (New International Commentary on the OT)
  • NIGTC (New International Greek Testament Commentary)
  • NIB (The New Interpreter's Bible)
  • NJBC (The New Jerome Bible Commentary)
  • NTL (New Testament Library)
  • NIVAC (NIV Application Commentary)
  • OtSt (Oudtestamentische Studiën)
  • OTL (Old Testament Library)
  • PNTC (Pillar New Testament Commentary)
  • SBT (Studies in Biblical Theology)
  • SHBC (Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary)
  • SP (Sacra Pagina)
  • TNTC (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries)
  • TOTC (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries)
  • TWBC (The Women's Bible Commentary)
  • UBS (United Bible Societies)
  • WBC (Word Biblical Commentary)
  • ZEC (Zondervan Exegetical Commentary)
  • ZIBBC (Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary)


  • Bib (Biblica)
  • BA (Biblical Archaeologist)
  • BAR (Biblical Archaeology Review)
  • BSac (Bibliotheca Sacra)
  • BBR (Bulletin for Biblical Research)
  • BASOR (Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research)
  • CBQ (Catholic Biblical Quarterly)
  • ChrCent (Christian Century)
  • ChrLit (Christianity and Literature)
  • CH (Church History)
  • CurBr (Currents in Biblical Research)
  • EvQ (Evangelical Quarterly)
  • HTR (Harvard Theological Review)
  • IJST (International Journal of Systematic Theology)
  • Int (Interpretation)
  • JSQ (Jewish Studies Quarterly)
  • JSNT (Journal for the Study of the New Testament)
  • JSOT (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament)
  • JANER (Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions)
  • JBL (Journal of Biblical Literature)
  • JAAR (Journal of the American Academy of Religion)
  • JETS (Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society)
  • JTI (Journal of Theological Interpretation)
  • JTS (Journal of Theological Studies)
  • MSJ (Master's Seminary Journals)
  • NTA (New Testament Abstracts)
  • NTS (New Testament Studies)
  • NovT (Novum Testamentum)
  • OTA (Old Testament Abstracts)
  • RBL (Review of Biblical Literature)
  • RB (Revue biblique)
  • SJT (Scottish Journal of Theology)
  • SwJT (Southwestern Journal of Theology)
  • SBJT (Southern Baptist Journal of Theology)
  • Them (Themelios)
  • ThTo (Theology Today)
  • TJ (Trinity Journal)
  • TynBul (Tyndale Bulletin)
  • VT (Vetus Testamentum)
  • WesTJ (Wesleyan Theological Journal)
  • WTJ (Westminster Theological Journal)
  • ZAW (Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft)

In-text formatting

American spelling and grammar

Use American spelling and grammar conventions (ex. color not colour, judgment not judgement).


Double quotation marks should be used throughout the text
With the exception of:

  • quotations within quotations
    - single quotation marks used
  • quoting direct speech
    - single quotation marks used
  • Parenthetical citations are placed outside of quotation marks:

"This is a direct quote" (Willgren 2016, 132).

  • Modern bible translations should be put in quotation marks:

One translation of Job 12:2 reads as follows: "No doubt you are the people, and wisdom will die with you" (ESV).

  • Ancient versions should not have quotation marks:

Jerome renders Genesis 1:1 as in principio creavit Deus caelum et terram (Jerome).

In the LXX, Ecclesiastes 7:16 is rendered as μη γίνου δίκαιος πολύ μηδέ σοφίζου περισσά μήποτε εκπλαγής.

NB In American style, periods and commas generally go inside the quotation marks, while question marks, explanation points, and colons and semicolons go outside the quotation marks.


To show that words have been excluded from a quote, used three periods/full stops with a space before and after. E.g., Isaksson argues that "there was only one single conjunction ... in Biblical Hebrew."

For more information, consult §4.1.3 in The SBL Handbook of Style (2014).


  • Only capitalise if the bullet is a full sentence.
  • if not--lower case

Verse/Verses or V./Vv.?

Use v./vv. except at the beginning of a sentence, in which case you should use "Verse" or "Verses."


The purpose of making notes at each layer is ultimately for Verse-by-Verse Notes, and in Verse-by-Verse Notes, bold is reserved for the CBC text. Do not use bold in notes unless it is for the CBC text (see CG's).

Italics can be used at the discretion of the exegete.

Hebrew text (in notes)

  • Default to using consonants + vowels.
  • No accents unless they are directly relevant to the discussion.
  • No transliteration unless it is part of a quotation (see Transliterating Hebrew below).
  • No consonantal text without vowels (unless you are discussing an issue about the consonantal text and how it should be vocalized).
  • If you are quoting a long stretch of Hebrew text (e.g., a whole verse or a complete line of poetry), then leave the accents.

Transliterating Hebrew

Where it is necessary to transliterate Hebrew into Roman script (or write out Hebrew letter names), use SBL (General) transliteration style (see SBL Handbook of Style, pp. 58-59), except 'w' for waw. For vowels, simply use a, e, i, o, and u.

Caption text
Character Transliteration
א aleph ’ or omit
ב bet b
ג gimel g
ד dalet d
ה he h
ו waw w
ז zayin z
ח khet kh
ט tet t
י yod y
כ ך kaph k or kh
ל lamed l
מ ם mem m
נ ן nun n
ס samekh s
ע ayin ‘ or omit
פ ף pe p or ph
צ ץ tsade ts
ק qoph q
ר resh r
שׂ sin s
שׁ shin sh
ת taw t

Vowel Spelling

Caption text
Character Name
ָ qamets
ַ patakh
ֶ segol
ֵ tsere
ִ hireq
ָ qamets khatuf
ׂ holem
ֻ qibbuts
וּ shureq
ֳ khatef qamets
ֲ khatef patakh
ֱ khatef segol
ְ shewa

Grammar terminology

The common stems (בניינים) for Hebrew verbs are to be written italicized as follows:

  • qal
  • niphal
  • piel
  • pual
  • hiphil
  • hophal
  • hithpael

Rather than using contested English grammatical names like "perfect," "imperfect," et al., some Hebrew verb forms are to be transliterated and written italicized as follows:

  • yiqtol
  • qatal
  • wayyiqtol
  • weqatal

When it is useful to abbreviate grammatical terms for grammatical person, gender, and number, use the following abbreviations (e.g., 3mp = 3rd person, masculine, plural):

  • Person: 1/2/3 (1st/2nd/3rd person)
  • Gender: m/f/c (masculine/feminine/common)
  • Number: s/d/p (singular/dual/plural) - NB, the dual is less common, and so should generally be highlighted where significant.

When providing Hebrew roots (rather than inflected words), simply use the three Hebrew letters without vowels or other symbols (e.g., אמר, not א.מ.ר or אמ"ר).


Is this section now redundant with the bibliography section above? Or are there cases where this would be relevant? Probably in titling our own wiki pages and headings and such, but perhaps this needs to be part of the template for each specific page, rather than here.

  • Title case: capitalise important words
    • Wiki page titles
    • proper nouns
    • job titles
    • organisation names
    • qualifications
    • talks or publication titles
  • Sentence case: capitalise only the first letter of the sentence
    • majority of content
    • headings and headlines
    • seasons
    • academic subjects

Naming conventions

  • Page titles
    • Exegetical issues page ex: The Meaning of x in Ps. no.:line
      • When Hebrew text is needed, use the English transliteration

Image/figure formatting


Only upload images/figures that you have created, are out of copyright, are released on a Creative Commons license that permits such use, or for which you have permission from the copyright owner. Just because an image is accessible online does not automatically grant Scriptura the right to reproduce it.


Title figures: Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3...
If there are many figures, then you may group them and label them Figure 1.1, Figure 1.2, Figure 1.3, Figure 2.1 ...


When including Open Access or Creative Commons images, make sure to adhere to any usage requirements (e.g., attribution, noting license, et al.).

When including images with permission, credit the copyright owner and content creator.

Courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority. Photographer: Shai Halevi. NB It is not permissible to reproduce the images viewable at If it is important to provide an image of a DSS fragment, you may link to the IAA website.

Img. author last name, First name. Year. Image Title. Month Day, Year. Format description. Website Name. URL. I'm not sure when we would use this? It is a remnant of the old style guide? I like the idea, but this section needs more work/clarity.

  1. The SBL Handbook of Style (2nd ed.)
  2. BA in Roman script is to be differentiated from italicized BA = Biblical Archaeologist.