Is there physical sickness in Psalm 6? The UBS Handbook on Psalms describes Psalm 6 as a "a lament by an individual who is sick and near death."[1] While most commentators would agree with this description, some think that the language of sickness is only figurative. For example, the NLT, which translates v. 4a as "I am sick at heart" could be understood to imply a sickness that is merely figurative. The CEV, by contrast, implies literal sickness when it translates v. 3a as "Have pity on me and heal my feeble body." Even among those who think the language of sickness is literal, there is not agreement on how sickness fits with the enemies mentioned in v. 8bff. Do the enemies cause the sickness, or does the sickness bring the enemies? The following maps explore
whether or not Ps. 6 presupposes a situation of sickness,
how this sickness might relate to the 'enemies' (vv. 8bff).
Argument map
Sickness in Psalm 6
Sickness literal (preferred)
Most commentators argue that the language of sickness is literal and that the psalmist is experiencing some deadly illness.
Sickness figurative
Some interpreters think that the language of sickness is figurative, either for the psalmist's spiritual suffering or for his suffering at the hands of his foes.
Sickness & Enemies
If the language of sickness is literal, then what is the relationship between the psalmist's sickness and the psalmist's enemies?[2]
Sickness -> Enemies (preferred)
Some interpreters think that the enemies come as a result of the sickness.
Enemies -> Sickness
Other interpreters think that the enemies, rather than the sickness, are the primary cause of the suffering. Hengstenberg, for example, sees the situation like this: "His distress proceeded at first from external enemies. But upon this arose another of a far heavier kind. He saw in that outward distress a punishment of his past sins, which now returned upon his soul with the weight of an oppressive load. He fell into a severe conflict, which left even his body weak and impoverished."[3]
There is good reason to affirm that Psalm 6 is a prayer for healing from physical sickness. Physical sickness is suggested primarily by the language of healing and sickness within the psalm itself (e.g., 'heal me'; 'my bones'; 'my eye'; etc.). There is no clear indication that this language should be interpreted metaphorically, though this is certainly possible. That literal sickness is in view becomes more likely when Psalm 6 is compared with Psalm 38, where sickness is clearly present. This interpretation is also supported by the fact that Hezekiah alludes to Psalm 6 (or, at least uses similar language) in his own prayer "when he was sick" (Isaiah 38:9-20).
How then does the sickness relate to the enemies? It is clear from the psalm that the enemies cause suffering (v. 8b), but this does not mean that they are the sole (or primary) cause of the suffering. Further comparison between Ps. 6 and Ps. 38 suggest that the 'enemies/evil-doers' come as a result of the sickness and thus contribute significantly to David's suffering. As Waltke writes, "His enemies interpret [his sickness] as God's curse that validates their rejection of him as 'I AM's' chosen king."[4]
But even if this is the most likely scenario in which the psalm was composed - and other scenarios are certainly possible - "the identification of the psalm as the prayer of an ill person must not limit how the psalm is prayed, used, or interpreted today. The psalm’s rich poetic language allows and even endorses the appropriation of the psalm’s message in many different situations."[5] Even in ancient times, it is likely, given that "the vocabulary of sickness and healing was used metaphorically in the Old Testament for social and theological conditions" (e.g., Isa. 1:5; 53:4; Hos. 5:13), that "the psalm probably came to be used as a general prayer for the restoration of the community."[6]
Secondary literature
Achtemeier, Elizabeth. 1974. “Overcoming the World: An Exposition of Psalm 6.” Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 28 (1): 75–88.
Baethgen, Friedrich. 1904. Die Psalmen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.
Bratcher, Robert G., and William D. Reyburn. 1991. A Handbook on Psalms. UBS Handbook Series. New York: United Bible Societies.
Calvin, John. Commentary on the Book of Psalms. Translated by James Anderson. Grand Rapids: Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
Craigie, Peter C. 1983. Psalms 1–50. WBC 19. Waco, TX: Word.
DeClaisse-Walford, Nancy L., Rolf A. Jacobson, and Beth LaNeel Tanner. 2014. The Book of Psalms. New International Commentary on the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans.
Gunkel, Hermann. 1998. An Introduction to the Psalms: The Genres of the Religious Lyric of Israel. Translated by James D. Nogalski. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press.
Kuckhoff, Antonius. 2011. Psalm 6 Und Die Bitten Im Psalter: Ein Paradigmatisches Bitt-Und Klagegebet Im Horizont Des Gesamtpsalters. Bonner Biblische Beiträge, Bd. 160. Göttingen : [Bonn]: V & R unipress ; Bonn University Press.
Mays, James Luther. 1994. Psalms. Interpretation. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox.
Mowinckel, Sigmund. 1962. The Psalms in Israel’s Worship. Oxford: Blackwell.
Rogerson, J. W., and J. W. McKay. 1977. Psalms. Vol. 1. The Cambridge Bible Commentary on the New English Bible. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Spieckermann, Hermann. 2023. Psalmen. 1: Psalm 1 - 49. Das Alte Testament Deutsch, 14,1. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Waltke, Bruce K. 2014. The Psalms as Christian Lament: A Historical Commentary. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
Wilson, Gerald H. 2002. Psalms. Vol. 1. NIVAC. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.
↑In addition to the two general possibilities explored below, Zenger (1993:67) mentions the possibility that the 'enemies' are sickness-demons (Krankheitsdämonen) or the personification of the sickness itself. Similarly, Rashi defined the צוררי in v. 8 as the impersonal צרות שמצירין לי. Other interpretations are also possible.