Psalm 68/fulltext

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This Psalm was authored by David.


(This began as Wendland's Expository Outline[1], but may be adapted.)

I. The work of the Lord. (1-2)

A. God arises and His enemies are scattered and those who hate Him flee.
B. As smoke is driven away, so they are driven.
C. As wax melts before the fire, so the wicked perish at the presence of God.

II. The worship of the Lord. (3-4)

A. Let the righteous be glad and rejoice before God.
B. Sing praises unto God and His name.
C. Extol Him that rides upon the heavens by His name Jah.
D. Rejoice before Him.

III. The worth of the Lord. (5-6)

A. He is a father of the fatherless.
B. He is a judge of the widows.
C. He is God in His holy habitation.
D. He sets the solitary in families.
E. He brings out those bound with chains.
F. He assigns the rebellious to dwell in a dry land.

IV. The wonder of the Lord. (7-18)

A. He went forth before His people through the wilderness.
B. The earth shook and the heavens dropped at His presence.
C. He sent a plentiful rain to confirm His inheritance when it was weary.
D. He prepared goodness for the poor.
E. He gave the word and a great company published it.
F. Kings of armies did flee and those that tarried at home divided the spoil.
G. Though His people had dwelt among the pots of Egypt (see Judges 5:16; they were indifferent and undecided), they became as the wings of a dove covered with silver with feathers of yellow gold.
H. He scattered kings and it was like the white snow in Salmon.
I. His hill is as the high hill of Bashan–the hill He wants to dwell in forever.
J. The chariots of God are twenty thousand.
K. He has thousands of angels and dwells among them as in Sinai, in the holy place.
L. He ascended on high, led captivity captive, and received gifts for men that He might dwell among them (see Ephesians 4:18).

V. The worship of the Lord. (19-20)

A. Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits.
B. He is the God of our salvation.

VI. The warfare of the Lord. (21-24)

A. The issues from death belong to Him.
B. He will wound the head of His enemies and those who remain in sin.
(The “hairy scalp” referred to the warrior’s oath not to cut his hair until his enemy was defeated.)
C. He will bring His people again from the depths of the sea.
D. Their feet will be dipped in the blood their enemies.
E. The enemy has seen God’s at work in His sanctuary.

VII. The worship of the Lord. (25-35)

A. The order of the worshipers:
1. The singers went before.
2. The players on instruments followed after.
3. Among them were the damsels playing with timbrels.
B. The order of the worship:
1. They praised God in the congregations.
2. They praised the Lord, the fountain of Israel.
3. Both large and small tribes, rulers and princes praised God.
4. Kings brought presents to Him.
5. Everyone was required to submit himself with offerings.
C. The outreach of worship:
1. Princes shall come out of Egypt.
2. Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God.
3. The kingdoms of the earth will sing praises to God.
a. To Him that rides upon the heavens.
b. To the God who sends out a mighty voice.
c. To the God of strength and excellency.
d. To the God who is terrible (to be feared) in the holy place.
e. To the God that gives strength and power unto his people.

Textual Criticism

The following is from Barthélemy's Critique textuelle de l’Ancien Testament volume on the Psalms.[2] For a key to the various symbols and abbreviations, click here.

Ps 68,3(2) תִּנְדֹּף {C} MT, // assim-ctext: G, Hebr, S, T

Ps 68,5(4) שְׁמוֹ (two°) {A}

Ps 68,9(8) זֶה סִינַי {A}

Ps 68,12(11) הַמְבַשְּׂרוֹת {A} MT // lic: G, σ', Hebr, S, T

Ps 68,18(17) בָם סִינַי {A}

Ps 68,19(18) לִשְׁכֹּן לָהּ {B} MT, G, α' // transl: σ', Hebr / praphr: T / lic: S

Ps 68,24(23)A תִּמְחַץ MT, σ', Hebr // lic: G, S, T clav רהץ

Ps 68,24(23)B מֵאֹיְבִים {A} MT, G, Hebr // lic: σ', S, T

Ps 68,27(26)A בָּרְכוּ {A}

Ps 68,27(26)B מִמּקוֹר {A} MT // assim-etext: G, Hebr, S / paraphr: ς', T

Ps 68,28(27) רִגְמָתָם {B} MT, G, σ', S // exeg: Hebr / paraphr: ε', T / midr: T / usu: m רקמתם

Ps 68,29(28) צִוָּה {C} MT, Hebr / / facil-styl: m, G, σ', S, T clav צַוֵּה

Ps 68,31(30)A גְּעַר MT, G, σ', Hebr, S, T

Ps 68,31(30)B בְּעֶגְלֵי {A} MT, Hebr, S, T // def-int: G / assim-ctext: σ'

Ps 68,31(30)C מִתְרַפֵּס {B} MT, σ', Hebr // incert: G / paraphr: T / abr-elus: S

Ps 68,31(30)D בְּרַצֵּי־כָסֶף {C} MT // err-gram: G, T, α', Hebr / dbl: σ' / assim-ctext: S

Ps 68,31(30)E בִּזַּר {C} MT, G?, S?, T // facil-styl: G?, Hebr, S? clav בַּזֵּר

Ps 68,31(30)F קְרָבוֹת MT

Ps 68,32(31)A יֶאֱתָיוּ MT, G, σ', S, T // assim-ctext: α', Hebr clav יַאֲתִיוּ

Ps 68,32(31)B חַשְׁמַנִּים {B} MT // transl: σ' / assim-ctext: G, S, α', Hebr / incert: T

Ps 68,32(31)C תָּרִיץ {A} MT, G, α', σ', Hebr, T // lic: S

Ps 68,33(32) אֲדֹנָי סֶלָה {A}

Ps 68,36(35) מִמִּקְדָּשֶׁיךָ {B} MT // facil-styl: m, σ', S, T מקדשך, 6, G clav ממקדשיו, Hebr clav ממקדשו


  1. Ernst Wendland, Expository Outlines of the Psalms,
  2. Dominique Barthélemy, Critique textuelle de l’Ancien Testament: Tome 4. Psaumes,