Psalm 67 Semantics

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Psalm Overview

For legend, click "Expand" to the right

Prepositional phrase Construct chain Construct chain within a prepositional phrase Phrase-level waw Article
and כֹּל
Diagram Shading Templates - Prepositional Phrases.jpg Templates - construct chain.jpg Templates - Constr in prep phrases.jpg Templates - Phrase level waws.jpg Templates - article.jpg
Definition - A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition plus its object. The phrase usually modifies the clause or another constituent in the clause. - A construct chain, also called a 'genitive phrase', is a grammatical encoding of the relationship 'A of B,' in which A is a phonologically modified noun (in the construct state), and B is a phonologically unmodified noun (the absolute state). - Some construct chains occur within prepositional phrases
- A waw conjunction can join units of all sizes. Phrase level waw join units at the word or phrase level (i.e., below the level of the clause).
- Definite articles tell you something about the identifiability or inclusiveness
about the word it is attached to
- כֹּל is a quantifier that tells you about the scope of a word it is attached to

v. 1

Ps 67 - Phrase v.1.jpg

v. 2-3

Ps 67 - Phrase v.2-3.jpg

v. 4

Ps 67 - Phrase v.4.jpg

v. 5

Ps 67 - Phrase v.5.jpg

v. 6

Ps 67 - Phrase v.6.jpg

v. 7-8

Ps 67 - Phrase v.7-8.jpg

Full Diagram (vv.1-8)

Ps 67 - Phrase full diagram.jpg

Verbal Semantics

For legend, click "Expand" to the right

Tense Aspect Reference point movement Modality
Definition A situation's location in time Internal temporal constituency of a situation as portrayed Whether or not the expected reference point in the discourse is updated after the situation. Distinguishing between indicative, volitional and other forms of modality, as determined by morphology; word order; particles; context
  • Relative: a situation's location in time relative to a reference point
  • Absolute: a situation's location in time relative to the moment of speech
  • Continuous
  • Habitual/iterative
  • Stative
  • Expected movement: usually perfective
  • No expected movement: usually imperfective
  • indicative
  • jussive
  • imperative
  • cohortative
  • wish
  • purpose/result
  • past (conditional)
  • possible
  • probable
  • interrogative
Symbol Templates - Tense.jpg Indicating aspect on the verb or in the situation Expected reference point movement Modality options (so far)

For steps to determine relative tense and reference point movement click "Expand" to the right:

Relative Time and Ref. Pt..jpg

Where is action relative to reference point? What question is prompted by verb tense? Do we expect reference point to move?
After reference point (Posterior)
Imperative Imperative.jpg What next? Posterior (relative future) Yes
Yiqtol Yiqtol.jpg What next?

What now?
Posterior (relative future

Simultaneous (relative imperfective present)
Weqatal Weqatal.jpg
Weyiqtol.jpg No
At reference point (Simultaneous)
Yiqtol Yiqtol 2.jpg What now? Simultaneous (relative imperfective present) No
Participle Participle.jpg
Weyiqtol 2.jpg
Infinitive Infinitive.jpg
Before reference point (Anterior)
Qatal Qatal.jpg What next?

What now?
Anterior (relative past)

Simultaneous (relative imperfect present)
Wayyiqtol Wayyiqtol 2.jpg No

Ps 67 - Verbal Semantics.jpg