Psalm 67 Discourse

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Psalm Overview


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Term Definition Visual Cue
Coordination Coordination or parataxis is the joining of words, phrases or clauses of the same type to give them equal emphasis and importance.
blue + blue connecting lines between clauses
Subordination Linking two clauses in a sentence so that one clause is dependent on (or
subordinate to) another.
teal + indentation to indicate syntactic subordination
Direct speech The writing of speech, using the exact words of the speaker, usually between quotation marks indented + in a box
Vocatives Indicates the person or thing being addressed. purple
Discourse markers a word or phrase that marks a boundary in a discourse, typically as part
of a dialogue. Discourse markers often signal topic changes,
reformulations, discourse planning, stressing
Marked topic A change in Biblical Hebrew's default word word (V-S-O-M) can indicate topic shift, reactivating a certain discourse entity. underline
Marked focus
depends on what information is already given, context determines scope. If the entire utterance is new/unexpected it is a thetic sentence. Thetics also provide thematic pivots in the discourse. bold

Ps. 67 - Macrosyntax reuploaded.jpg Notes:

  • v.3a: Purpose clause (infinitive construct with lamed).
  • v.7a: As thetic, may be taken as grounds for 7b -- that is, because the earth has given its produce, we have good reason to ask him to keep blessing us (and perhaps also that he should keep blessing us, especially if the "produce" is the (praise of) the peoples of the earth)
  • v.8b: waw + yiqtol introducing purpose clause

Word Order and Pragmatics:

  • 2a: Fronted subject for topic activation
  • 3a + b + 5c: notice connection of PP before object
  • 3b: Fronted PP = POETIC (defamiliarised WO in line 2 of parallelism) (and true anyway with verb elision)
  • 5c: poetic enclosure (The syntax needs to be disentangled from the poetry in v. 5. Even though לאמים is LD and resumed by the suffix on תנחם, we're considering lines b and c a poetic a-bc // bc-a’ mirror structure.)
  • 7a: Sentence focus / thetic
    • Indications of sentence focus: indefinite and fronted subject
    • Function = new "report"

Macrosyntax divisions:

  • 2-3: Opening verse but also delineated by topic activation in fronted subject of 2a
  • 4-6: Suggested by first vocative of the psalm; introduction of material that will be repeated 4 times in chiastic structure around center; reinforced by movement from subordination to new main clause
  • 7-8: Delineated by thetic statement in 7a

Speech Act Analysis

Psalm 067 - Speech Act Summary.jpg
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Psalm 067 - Speech Act Table.jpg

Affect Analysis

Psalm 067 - Ps 67 Emotion Summary Chart.jpg
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Ps 67 Emotion table.jpg