Psalm 22/fulltext
Authorship[ ]
This Psalm was authored by David.
Outline[ ]
(This began as Wendland's Expository Outline[1], but may be adapted.)
I The agony. (1-21).
- A. Feelings of abandonment by God: Crying day and night, but God does not hear. Despite these feelings the psalmist declares:
- 1. You are holy.
- 2. You saved our fathers in the past.
- B. The psalmist is despised by men:
- 1. He is like a worm.
- 2. He is reproached.
- 3. They laugh him to scorn.
- 4. They shoot out their lip.
- 5. They shake their heads at him.
- 6. They mock him because God didn’t deliver him.
- C. The psalmist is totally dependant upon God.
- 1. God took him out of the womb.
- 2. He gave him hope, even as an infant.
- D. He appeals because trouble is near, there is none to help, and a strong enemy is coming against him.
- 1. They are strong as bulls,
- 2. They are like a lion ready to devour.
- 3. The enemy is like dogs.
- E. He appeals on the basis of his condition:
- 1. He is poured out like water.
- 2. His bones are out of joint.
- 3. His heart is like wax; melted in the midst of his bowels.
- 4. His strength is dried up like a potsherd.
- 5. His tongue cleaves to his jaws.
- 6. He is brought me into the dust of death.
- F. He appeals to God, his strength, to deliver him:
- 1. From the sword.
- 2. From the enemy that is like dogs on his trail.
- 3. From the lion's mouth.
- 4. From the horns of the unicorns.
II. The ecstacy. (22-31)
- A. God’s name is declared:
- 1. To the brethren.
- 2. In the midst of the congregation.
- B. God is praised by all the seed of Israel because:
- 1. He has not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted.
- 2. He has not hid His face from them.
- 3. When God’s people cried, He heard.
- C. The psalmist pays his vows.
- D. The meek eat and are satisfied.
- E. Their heart lives forever.
- F. All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord and all nations shall worship before Him.
- G. The Kingdom is the Lord’s, and He is governor among the nations.
- 1. All will worship Him.
- 2. All will come and declare His righteousness.
- 3. His works will be declared to generations to come.
Textual Criticism[ ]
The following is from Barthélemy's Critique textuelle de l’Ancien Testament volume on the Psalms.[2] For a key to the various symbols and abbreviations, click here.
Ps 22,9(8) גֹּל {A} MT // exeg: G, Hebr, S, T
Ps 22,16(15)A כֹּחִי {A}
Ps 22,16(15)B תִּשְׁפּתֵנִי {A} MT, G, σ', Hebr, S, T // facil styl: g1, g2
Ps 22,17(16)A כְּלָבִים {B} MT, σ', S // assim 13: G, T / err-ponct: α'θ', Hebr clav כַּלָּבִים
Ps 22,17(16)B כָּאֲרִי {B} MT, σ' // err-graph: m כארו / exeg: G, S, α' / paraphr: T / def-int: Hebr
Ps 22,22(21) עֲנִיתָנִי {B} MT, α', θ', Hebr, T // assim 21: G, σ', S, clav עֲנִיָּתִי
Ps 22,30(29)A אָכְלוּ {A}
Ps 22,30(29)B דִּשְׁנֵי {A} MT, G, α'σ', Hebr, T // exeg: S
Ps 22,30(29)C וְנַפְשׁוֹ {C} MT, θ', Hebr // lic: σ', T / err-graph: G, ε', ς', S clav ונפשי
Ps 22,30(29)D לֹא {C} MT, T / / theol: G, α', Hebr, S clav לוֹ
Ps 22,30(29)E חִיָּה {C} MT, S, T // facil-synt: G, α', θ', σ', Hebr clav חַיָּה
Ps 22,31(30) זֶרַע {B} MT, α', σ', Hebr //paraphr: S, T / assim30C: G, θ' clav זרעי
References[ ]
- ↑ Ernst Wendland, Expository Outlines of the Psalms,
- ↑ Dominique Barthélemy, Critique textuelle de l’Ancien Testament: Tome 4. Psaumes,