Psalm 14 Story behind the Psalm

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Psalm Overview


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Background Ideas

Background Situation

Expanded Paraphrase

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  • Close but Clear (CBC) translation
  • Assumptions which provide the most salient background information, presuppositions, entailments, and inferences

v. 1

For the director. By David.

The fool has said to himself, “There is no God (who will know, care, or do anything about the bad things I do,) (so I can act with impunity because no god will hold me accountable).” (That is why) They (the fools,) have corrupted [their deeds] (from the good deeds they should do). They (the fools) have done abominable deeds. There is none(among the fools) who does good.


YHWH looked down from (his throne in) heaven upon humans (irony alert!) in order to see: "Is there is one who acts wisely, who seeks after God, (and has not done abominable deeds)?"


(YHWH sees that) All (humans) (not just fools) have turned away (from the good path of seeking after God). All alike have become corrupt. There is no one who does good. There is not even one (who does good). (All humans are like the fool.)


Do they not understand (that they are wrong, and they will be held accountable) (they, meaning) all those who do evil (thinking they'll get away with it), who eat my people (i.e. abused them for selfish gain) as they have eaten food (casually, with no thought to their evil actions), who have not called upon YHWH?


Then (if they did understand how wrong they are) they (would) have feared a fear, because (they would have seen that) God is with the righteous group (and they would recognise that God will hold them accountable for the wrong they've done).


(Yet, the wicked do not know. Instead,) You (wicked) would put to shame the insight of the oppressed (which is that YHWH will ultimately care for them), because YHWH is his (king and) refuge (and you think YHWH doesn't care, so you mock those who do think so).


(In spite of all this, I know that YHWH will be true to his word. Even when I do not see him at work, I trust in his covenant. Therefore, I pray with confidence:) Oh, that deliverance for Israel would come from (YHWH who dwells in) Zion! When YHWH restores the fortune of his people, let Jacob rejoice, let Israel be glad!

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Ps 14 - Story v.5-7.jpg