Psalm 132 Story behind the Psalm

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Psalm Overview


Ps 132 - Story overview.jpg

Background ideas

  • David's "afflictions" associated with bringing the ark to Jerusalem are known elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible (see 1 Kgs 2:26).
  • "The place where YHWH chooses to make his name dwell" is a repeated motif in the book of Deuteronomy. God promised to reveal that place after he gave the Israelites victory over their enemies (Deut 12:10–11).
  • The ark was moved from place to place before being located permanently in Jerusalem. It had been in Shiloh, then in the possession of the Philistines, then in Kiriath-jearim for 20 years (1 Sam 7:1–2; 1 Chron 13:5), and briefly in the care of Obed-edom (after Uzzah died from touching it; 2 Sam 6:1–12).
  • The ark of the covenant was considered the footstool of God’s invisible throne. Bowing down toward it was a sign of reverence.
  • Both "horn" and "lamp" are associated with kingship, especially God's promise to David. "Horn" emphasises royal authority, and "lamp" refers to the continuation of the dynasty.

Background situation

Ps 132 - Background Situation.jpg

Expanded paraphrase

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  • Close but Clear (CBC) translation
  • Assumptions which provide the most salient background information, presuppositions, entailments, and inferences

v. 1

The Song of Ascents (for worshippers going up to the temple in Jerusalem).

Remember, YHWH (covenant God of Israel), for the sake of David (the king of Israel, who was in a special covenant relationship with you), everything that he endured (as he fulfilled his promise to find a place for the temple of YHWH) ,

v. 2

he who swore to YHWH (who) vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob:

v. 3

"(I have a royal house,) (but YHWH doesn't yet have a sacred house.)(The ark has moved around from place to place for many years,)(and it's my responsibility as king to ensure that the royal city has a temple for my God). (Therefore,) I will not go into the dwelling place which is my house (, thereby foregoing the royal luxuries I have won by defeating my political enemies), or go up onto the bed which is my couch (, thereby foregoing psychological comfort),

v. 4

or give sleep to my eyes or slumber to my eyelids (, thereby foregoing the complete lack of physical or emotional exertion upon the completion of a task),

v. 5

before I find a (special) place for YHWH (to take up residence with his people), a dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob (in accordance with YHWH's promise to give us rest from our enemies and choose a place for his name to dwell)."

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Ps 132 - Story triangles - vv. 3–5.jpg

v. 6

Look! We (the people of Israel) heard about it (, the ark,) in Ephrathah (David's hometown) (where he spoke of his plans to find its permanent home); we found it (, the ark,) in the fields of Jaar (the place where the ark was kept for about twenty years after it was returned by the Philistines):

v. 7

(When the Israelites celebrated the bringing of the ark to Zion, they said,) "Let us go to his dwelling place (which has now been established), let us bow down toward (the ark, which is) his footstool (of his invisible throne)(in reverence to him)!

v. 8

Set out, YHWH, to your (permanent) resting place (in Zion, the City of David), you and your strong ark!

v. 9

May your priests (who minister in your resting place, the temple) be clothed with righteousness, and may your faithful ones (including the priests, but also all who have kept covenant with you) sing for joy!"

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Ps 132 - Story triangles - vv. 2–9.jpg

v. 10

For the sake of David, (who, by fulfilling his promise to find you a dwelling place has earned the right to be called) your servant, do not rebuff your anointed one (, the descendent of David who is in trouble).

v. 11

YHWH swore to David (in) sincerity; he will not turn back from it (his oath): "(Someone) from your offspring, I will place on your throne (to rule after you and continue your royalty dynasty).

v. 12

If your descendants keep my covenant and my laws that I will teach them, then their descendants will also forever sit on your throne." (The current Davidic king has kept YHWH's covenant, so if YHWH is faithful to his promise to David, then he will heed the call of the current king.)

v. 13

For YHWH had chosen Zion (David's city); he had desired her as his dwelling place (, as the place where he will put his name, as spoken of in Deuteronomy):

v. 14

"This is my resting place forever; here I will dwell, because I have desired her.

v. 15

I will richly bless her provisions; her poor (people) I will satisfy with food (since my presence brings blessing to those who honour me, as when Obed-edom cared for the ark).

v. 16

And her priests I will clothe with salvation, and her faithful ones (who have kept covenant with me) will sing exuberantly for joy, (in fulfilment of Israel's blessing of the temple servants at the time the ark was brought to Jerusalem).

v. 17

There I will cause a (powerful) horn (of royal authority) to grow for David; I have put in place a lamp (of continued dynastic lineage) for my anointed one (, thereby ensuring that David's royal dynasty continues).

v. 18

His enemies I will clothe with shame (because I will protect and defend the honour of my anointed king), but his crown (of honour and glory) will flourish on him (, showing his legitimate royal authority)."

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Ps 132 - Story triangles - vv. 11–18.jpg