Post to wiki

From Psalms: Layer by Layer
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Main Psalm Page

Copy the text below into the main psalm page on the wiki (i.e., the page titled Psalm X):

|Verse Count=
|Memorable Icon=Psalm ### - icon.jpg
|Memorable Phrase=
|Background Ideas=<ul> </ul>
[[File:Psalm ### - At a Glance.jpg|class=img-fluid|825px]]
Click 'Expand' to the right to see our Close-but-Clear translation of Psalm XXX.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
{{CBC description}}
For links to other translations of Psalm XXX, click [ here].
    |Overview Video = 
    |Poetic Features Video = 
    |Exegetical Issues Video = 
Click the link to view all of [[Psalm XXX Verse-by-Verse]], or click on an individual verse below.
* [ v. 1]
=Exegetical Issues=

Replace everywhere the above text has "###" with the three-digit psalm number. For example, for Psalm 19, it would be "019." Replace the "XXX" with the psalm number (e.g. 19).

After Verse Count, simply put the number of verses in the psalm.

Input the Memorable Phrase (Title), Purpose, Content, Message, and Author from the synthesis section on the Miro board.

For the Background Ideas, copy the background ideas from synthesis. These should be pasted after "Background Ideas = <ul>" but before "</ul>." Before each bullet point, insert <li> and after each bullet point, insert </li>. HTML explained (an "unordered list" filled with list items):

  <li>first item</li>
  <li>second item</li>
  <li>additional item</li>

In Miro, create a frame around the At-a-Glance chart and the accompanying images. Keep the frame tight, but leave a few pixels of space on each of the edges. Title the frame " At a Glance." Export the frame to an image and save as a large jpg. Copy the icon of the psalm to the right hand side of the yellow divider. Create a frame around the icon, similar to the synthesis frame. Title the frame "icon." Make sure the background of the frame is white and not transparent. Export the frame to an image and save as either medium or large jpg. Upload the images of the At a Glance visual and the icon to the wiki. Be sure to click "Upload all files" to complete the upload process.

Copy the CBC from the forum post for the psalm. Paste it immediately after the "{{CBC|." Then add the verse numbers and indent the text. Lines should be divided according to poetic line divisions. Leave one space in between verses. For example, this could look like:

:2. The sky is declaring God’s honor,
:and the firmament is telling about the workmanship of his hands.
:3. Day after day pours out speech,
:and night after night imparts knowledge.

If the videos are published for the psalm, add the link to the appropriate part of the template. All that is needed is the 11 characters after the v= part of the YouTube link and before any &. (For example, if the link was, the necessary part would be -dfk7qSahu8.

For the Verse-by-Verse notes, make a bullet point for each verse following the pattern of v. 1 given in the template.

Exegetical Issues pages

At the beginning of each of the Exegetical Issues pages, put the following code:

[[Psalm Overview XXX | Psalm Overview]]

Exegetical issues for Psalm XXX: 

At the end of the page, in order to mark the Exegetical Issue as approved, put the following code:



Copy the text below into the grammar page on the wiki:

=About the Grammar Layer=
=Grammar Visuals for Psalm XXX=
{{Grammatical Legend}} 
==v. 1==
[[File: Psalm ### - grammar v. 1.jpg|class=img-fluid|825px]] 

Replace everywhere the above text has "###" with the three-digit psalm number. For example, for Psalm 19, it would be "019." Replace the "XXX" with the psalm number (e.g. 19).

In Miro, create a frame around the diagram of the each verse from the LEXICAL diagram. This shouldn't include any notes or sticky notes. Title the frame "grammar v. X", where X is the number of the verse. Export the frame as an image into a medium or large jpg. Upload the image to the wiki. Input any notes about that verse as bullet points (*) under the verse it refers to. Be sure to add headings before each verse (e.g.: v. 1). Take note of any sources cited and compile them in the Bibliography at the end. At the beginning of each bibliographic entry, put ":" to make the individual entries clear.


Semantics Page

Copy the text below to the semantics page on the wiki:

=About the Semantics Layer=
=Semantics Visuals for Psalm XXX=
==Lexical and Phrase-level Semantics Diagram==
{{Phrasal Legend}} 
* See our growing collection of [ Venn Diagrams], not only for Psalm XXX, but for all of the psalms. 
* See [ SDBH on Psalm XXX]. 
===v. 1===
[[File: Psalm ### - Phrase v.1.jpg|class=img-fluid|825px]] 
==Verbal Semantics Chart==
{{Verbal Legend}} 
[[File:Psalm ### - Verbal Semantics.jpg|class=img-fluid|825px]] 

Check if the Verse-by-Verse page for the psalm already has phrase-level diagrams uploaded. If so, check the file name and make sure you match the Semantics page to that file name.

Add notes under each verse from both the lexical and phrase-level notes, collating them in the order they appear in the diagram. Bold the word or phrase being discussed to allow for easier navigation. Add Venn diagram images where applicable, being sure to include the new Venn diagrams. When including Venn diagrams, the code should follow the format " [[File: Hebrew transliteration - English gloss.jpg|class=img-fluid|825px]]. This file should go on the line after the bullet point corresponding.

Take note of cited sources and compile them into the bibliography at the bottom of the page.

Venn diagrams

In Miro, download the frame of the Venn diagram as a large image. Rename the file in the format "Hebrew transliteration - English gloss.jpg".

Create a new page on the wiki whose title follows the same naming format as "Hebrew transliteration - English gloss". Copy and paste the following text:

{{Venn Diagrams 
| Hebrew= 
| Image=Psalm ### - Hebrew transliteration - English gloss.jpg 
[[Category:Venn Diagrams]] 

Input the Hebrew word after "Hebrew=". For verbs, just put in the root; for nouns, include vowels.

Story Behind

Copy the following text into the Story Behind page:

=About the Story Behind Layer=
=Story Behind Visuals for Psalm XXX=
==Summary Triangle==
[[File:Psalm ### - Story Behind Summary.jpg|class=img-fluid|825px]] 
==Background ideas==
==Background situation==
[[File:Psalm ### - Background Situation.jpg|class=img-fluid|825px]] 
==Expanded paraphrase==
{{Story Behind}} 
===v. 1===
==Story Triangles==
[[File:Psalm ### - story behind.jpg|class=img-fluid|825px]] 
==Assumptions Table==
[[File:Psalm ### - Assumptions Table.jpg|class=img-fluid|825px]] 

Replace XXX with the psalm number and the ### with the three-digit number.

On Miro, create a frame around the summary triangle and title it "Story Behind Summary." Export as an image. Create a frame around the background situation boxes FROM SYNTHESIS and title it "story background." Export as an image. Create a frame around the entire story behind triangles and title it "story behind." Export as a large image.

Copy the background ideas from SYNTHESIS on Miro and paste them into the bullets under the corresponding heading. For the expanded paraphrase CBC, first check to see if it is already done in the Verse-by-Verse. If so, copy and paste the code. If not, copy the expanded paraphrase from Miro, changing the assumptions to be italicized.


Copy and paste the following code into the wiki:

=About the Discourse Layer= 
=Discourse Visuals for Psalm XXX=
[[File:Psalm ### - Macrosyntax.jpg|class=img-fluid|825px]] 
====Paragraph Divisions====
====Word Order====
====Discourse Markers====
==Speech Act Analysis==
===Summary Visual===
[[File:Psalm ### - Speech Act Summary.jpg|class=img-fluid|600px]] 
===Speech Act Chart===
[[File:Psalm ### - Speech table.jpg|class=img-fluid|825px]] 
==Emotional Analysis==
===Summary visual===
[[File:Psalm ### - Emotional Analysis Summary.jpg|class=img-fluid|825px]] 
===Think-Feel-Do Chart===
[[File: Psalm ### - Emotional analysis.jpg|class=img-fluid|825px]] 
==Participant analysis==
There are # participants/characters in Psalm XXX: 
[[File: Psalm ### - participants.jpg|class=img-fluid|500px]] 
* <mark style="background-color: #FEF445>'''David'''</mark> 
* <mark style="background-color: #BF78F0>'''YHWH'''</mark> 
* <mark style="background-color: #FF8200>'''Israel'''</mark> 
* <mark style="background-color: #959595>'''Enemies'''</mark> 
* <mark style="background-color: #8FD14F>'''Priests/Other green'''</mark> 
* <mark style="background-color: #2D9BF0>'''Other blue'''</mark> 
* <mark style="background-color: #12CDD4>'''Other teal'''</mark> 
===Participant Relations Diagram===
The relationships among the participants may be abstracted and summarized as follows:  
[[File: Psalm ### - Participant Analysis Summary.jpg|class=img-fluid|500px]] 
[[File: Psalm ### - PA Mini-Story.jpg|class=img-fluid|500px]] 
===Participant Analysis Table===
[[File: Psalm ### - Text Table.jpg|class=img-fluid|825px]] 

Make frames for and export as images the following from Miro:

  • Macrosyntax visual; title: Macrosyntax
  • Speech act sections visual; title: Speech Act Summary
  • Speech act table; title: Speech table
  • Think, feel, do visual; title: Emotional Analysis Summary
  • Emotional analysis table; title: Emotional analysis
  • List of participants; title: Participants
  • Participant analysis relations diagram; title: Participant Analysis Summary
  • Participant analysis mini-story; title: PA Mini-Story
  • Participant analysis text table; title: Text Table

Be sure to change the number of participants in Participant Analysis.

Copy any notes from each section under the correct heading. Bold the verse numbers discussed in the notes for easy skimming. Note any sources cited and collate them in the bibliography.


Copy the text below into the wiki page:

=About the Poetics Layer=
=Poetics Visuals for Psalm XXX=
==Poetic Structure==
===Poetic Macro-structure===
[[File:Psalm ### - Poetic structure.jpg|class=img-fluid|825px]]
===Line Division===
[[File:Psalm ### - Line division.jpg|class=img-fluid|825px]]
==Poetic Features==
===1. Poetic feature 1 title===
[[File:Psalm ### - Poetic feature 1.jpg|class=img-fluid|825px]]
===2. Poetic feature 2 title===
[[File:Psalm ### - Poetic feature 2.jpg|class=img-fluid|825px]]
===3. Poetic feature 3 title===
[[File:Psalm ### - Poetic feature 3.jpg|class=img-fluid|825px]]
===Repeated Roots===
[[File: Psalm ### - Repeated Roots Summary.jpg|class=img-fluid|500px]]
[[File: Psalm ### - Repeated Roots 2.jpg|class=img-fluid|500px]]

Create frames and export as images the following from Miro:

  • Poetic structure visual; title: Poetic structure
  • Line division visual; title: Line division
  • First poetic feature visual; title: Poetic feature 1
  • Second poetic feature visual; title: Poetic feature 2
  • Third poetic feature visual; title: Poetic feature 3
  • Repeated roots mini-story; title: Repeated Roots Summary
  • Marked repeated roots visual (found in Lexical); title: Repeated Roots 2

On the wiki page, replace the "Poetic feature 1(/2/3) title" with the corresponding title along with the XXX to the psalm number and ### to the three digit number.

Copy the notes for each corresponding visual. For the poetic features, be sure to copy highlights and color as well.


After a psalm is complete, change the code on the home page so it appears in green font.

Add the following code after "Verse-by-Verse welcome" on the Verse-by-Verse page.


This will remove the DRAFT tag for that psalm.