Key to CTAT
From Psalms: Layer by Layer
Key[ ]
Abbreviations[ ]
Witnesses[ ]
- MT = Masoretic Text
- MTK = Masoretic Text Kethiv
- MTQ = Masoretic Text Qere
- G = Old Greek (Septuagint)
- g = secondary tradition of LXX
- S = Syriac Peshitta
- s = secondary tradition of Peshitta
- T = Aramaic Targum
- t = secondary tradition of Targum
- V = Latin Vulgate
- v = secondary tradition of Vulgate
- Syh = Syro-Hexapla
- α' = Aquila
- σ' = Symmachus
- θ' = Theodotion
- ε = πέμπτη ἔκδοσος (Hexapla fifth column)
- ς =
- ο = οἱ Ἑβδομήκοντα (Hexapla LXX)
- εβρ = τὸ ἑβραϊκόν or ὁ ἑβραῖος (Hexapla Hebrew)
- λοιπ = οἱ λοιποί (Hexapla "the others")
- αλλ = ἄλλος
- Gal = Gallican Psalter
- Hebr = Psalmi iuxta Hebraeos, Jerome’s Latin version of the Hebrew text of the Psalms
- Hev =
- Hier = Hieronymous (a.k.a. Jerome)
- mm = masora magna
- mp = masora parva
- Qa =
- Qc =
- Qd
- Qe =
- 4QPsq =
- 11QPsa = Qumran cave 11 first Psalms scroll
- 11QPsb = Qumran cave 11 second Psalms scroll
- 11QPsc = Qumran cave 11 third Psalms scroll
Notes[ ]
- abr = abreviation ("abbreviation")
- abst = abstention ("abstention")
- ampl = amplification
- anon =
- assim = assimilation ("assimilation')
- assim-ctext = assimilation to the context
- assim-graph = assimilation to a similar form
- assim-int = assimilation which took place within the textual tradition represented by the witness in question
- assim-par = assimilation to a parallel passage
- assim-synt = assimilation to a certain syntactic construction
- assim-usu = assimilation to a more usual form
- asson = assonance ("assonance")
- bas = supra
- bis =
- clav = clavis ("key")
- confl = conflatio ("conflation")
- constr = attempted correction of a corrupted text by copyist or translator ("construction")
- cor = reading chosen by the committee differs from Leningrad Codex qere
- dbl = doublet
- def-int = déformation interne ("internal deformation")
- dissim = attempted correction of perceived assimilation by the copyist or translator ("dissimilation")
- dittogr = dittography
- elus = infra
- emph = emphase ("emphasis")
- err = erreur ("error")
- err-aud = error of hearing
- err-divis = error of division
- err-graph = error of writing
- err-ponct = error of punctuation
- err-transcr = error of transcription
- err-voc = error of vocalization
- eupem = euphémisme ("euphemism")
- exeg = exegese ("exegesis")
- expl = explicitation ("specification")
- facil = facilitation ("facilitation/simplification")
- facil-style = stylistique ("stylistic")
- facil-sym = symetrisation ("symmetrization")
- facil-synt = syntaxique ("syntactic")
- facil-use = usuel ("usual")
- voc = vocalique ("vowels/vocalization")
- harm = harmonisation ("harmonization")
- hom = homeoteleuton or homeoarcton
- homtel = homeoteleuton
- homarc = homeoarcon
- homon = homonyme ("homonym")
- glos = glose ("gloss")
- ign = ignorance ("ignorance")
- ign-cult = ignorance of ancient worship
- ign-exeg = ignorance of exegessis
- ign-geog = ignorance of geography
- ign-gram = ignorance of a grammatical construction
- ign-jud = legal ignorance
- ign-lex = ignorance of a lexical item
- ign-real = ignorance of realia (culture-specific elements and expressions)
- ign-synt = ignorance of a syntactic construction
- incert = incertain ("uncertain")
- interv = interversion ("inversion")
- lacun = lacuna
- lic = licence ("license/freedom")
- lit = litteraire ("literary")
- méta = métathèse ("metathesis")
- midr = midrash
- modern = modernisation ("modernization")
- mutil =
- paraph = paraphrase
- perm = permutation
- praem =
- spont = spontane ("spontaneous")
- theol = théologique ("theological")
- transf = transfere ("transferred")
- trans = translationnel ("translational")
Symbols[ ]
- { } = A braced letter marks the preferred reading. The letter within the braces indicates the committee's degree of certainty as to the reading's probability
- {A} = highly probable
- {B} = highly probable with a certain margin of doubt
- {C} = probable with a considerable margin of doubt
- {D} = probable but very uncertain
- // = separate the preferred reading from other dependent readings.
- –> = indicates that one reading derives from another
- * = first hand of a witness
- (?) = questionable as to whether the reading gives the authentic text of the witness
- ? = questionable as to whether this witness should appear in this function in the apparatus
- 1,2,3 = when attached to a witness, the numerals number the various elements of a doublet
- 1°,2°,3° =
About CTAT[ ]
"This work addresses the main problems that the traditional Hebrew text of the Psalms poses for translators, problems that have confronted translators of the most influen- tial English, French and German editions of the Bible over the past half-century. It presents and develops the results of a ten-year effort (1970-79) conducted by an international and interdenominational committee of specialists in Old Testament textual criticism. This volume is the fourth in a five-volume series."[1]
References[ ]
- ↑ Dominique Barthélemy, Critique textuelle de l’Ancien Testament: Tome 4. Psaumes,