Psalm 4/Phonology

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Definition Feature being studied Occurrences Sections where this feature is present or absent Clustering Intersection Connections Structure
long a-vowel vv.7b-9 Reinforces parallelism (v.8ab, 9abc) Gives cohesion to vv.7-9
וּ ending vv. 3b-4a(3x); vv.5-6(6x); absent in both opening and closing tricola Reinforces connections between parallel lines (v.3bc, 5ab, 6ab, 7ab). The absence of this feature connects the first (v.2abc) and last (v.9abc) sections. Gives cohesion to vv.3-8 and also (by its absence) to v.2 and v.9.
final hireq yod vv.2abc - 3a (8x), v.7a(3x); absent in vv.5-6 Parallelism (v.2abc) Gives cohesion to opening tricolon (v. 2abc); anaphora (v.3a)

Distribution of Vowels
This feature is considered relevant for this psalm.,


Definition Feature being studied Occurrences Sections where this feature is present or absent Clustering Intersection Connections Structure
sibilants (שׁ, שׂ, ז, ס, צ/ץ) vv.6a, 9a recursion of צ in parallel lines (v.2ab) strengthens parallelism
dentals (דּ, תּ, ט) v.8ab(5x); v.9abc(6x) parallelisms (v.2bc, 3bc, 8ab, 9bc); forms connection between the two imperatives וּדְעוּ and וְדֹמּוּ - both begin and end with waw and share the consonant דּ in common. Gives cohesion to v.8 and v.9; ודעו and ודמו form an inclusio (vv.4-5)
sonorants (ר, ל, מ, נ) v.7a(8x)
nasals (מ/ם, נ/ן) v.5b(5x); v.7ab(8x); v.8ab(6x) v.7b and v.8a both begin with נ Gives cohesion to vv.7-8
line initial בּ v.2ab, 3a, 9a beginning of first section (v.2a), second section (v.3a), and final section (v.9a) reinforces connection between parallel lines (v.2ab) anaphora (v.2a, 3a, 9a)

Distribution of Consonants
This feature is considered relevant for this psalm.,

Sound combinations

Definition Feature being studied Occurrences Sections where this feature is present or absent Clustering Intersection Connections Structure
בְּ first syllable + final syllable stressed hireq yod בְּקָרְאִי (v.2a), בְּנֵי אִישׁ (v.3a), בְּקָרְאִי (v.4b) vv.2-4 beginning of first section (v.2a); beginning of second section (v.3a) anaphora (v.2a, v.3a)
פ + לָ תְּפִלָּתִי (v.2c), הִפְלָה (v.4a) occurs alongside יִשְׁמַע and בְּקָרְאִי in v.4 to form connection with v.2 Anaphora (v.2, v.4), though possibly part of a chiasm with בקראי and שׁמע.
לֵ/רֵ + נוּ יַרְאֵנוּ (v.7a), עָלֵינוּ (v.7b) v.7ab parallelism (v.7ab)
dental (ט) +/– labial (ב) +/- guttural (ח) תֶּחֱטָאוּ (v.5a), וּבִטְחוּ (v.6b), טוֹב (v.7a), לָבֶטַח (v.9c) Gives cohesion to vv.5-9.
liquid + labial + dental לְבָדָד (v.9b), לָבֶטַח (v.9c) v.9bc strengthens connection between parallel lines (v.9bc)
liquid (ר/ל) + voiced labial plosive (בּ) רַבִּים (v.7a), בְלִבִּי (v.8a), רָבּוּ (v.8b) vv.7-8 Gives cohesion to vv.7-8; Inclusio (רַבּ)
חוּ– זִבְחוּ (v.6a), וּבִטְחוּ (v.6b) parallelism (v.6ab)
labial + velar + sibilant תְּבַקְשׁוּ כָזָב (v.3c) v.3c(2x)
ב + ק בְּקָרְאִי(v.2a), תְּבַקְשׁוּ (v.3c), בְּקָרְאִי (v.4b) connection between v.2 and v.4 Gives cohesion to vv.2-4; structural anaphora (v.2, v.4).
ח/ע + נֵנִי עֲנֵנִי(v.2a), חָנֵּנִי(v.2c); also בְּנֵי אִישׁ(v.3a) partially conforms to this pattern (same vowels & נ) vv.2-3 beginning of first section (v.2a) and second section (v.3a) disjunctive parallelism within a tricolon (v.2a-c) anaphora (v.2a, 3a)
Phonological Overview

This feature is considered relevant for this psalm.,

Infrequent letters or sounds

  • ג - twice
  • פ - three times
  • צ - three times
  • שׂ - once,

Other observations

  • The first word of the psalm בְּקָראִי sounds like the word for 'morning' (בֹּקֶר). This may be significant given the thematic importance of time (evening/morning) in Pss.3-5 (see e.g., the repetition of בֹּקְר in the following psalm).
  • Interlocking patterns of phonological inversion
    • vv.2, 4: a (בְּקָרְאִ֡י) b (וּשְׁמַ֥ע) c (ְּתְּפִלָּתִֽי) c' (הִפְלָ֣ה) b' (ִ֜שְׁמַ֗ע) a' (בְּקָרְאִ֥י)
    • vv.4-5: a (וּדְע֗וּ) b (רִגְז֗וּ) c (וְֽאַל־תֶּ֫חֱטָ֥אוּ) b' (אִמְר֣וּ) a' (וְדֹ֣מּוּ)
  • Phonological recursion (alliteration, assonance, rhyme) within consecutive words:
    • v.3c. תְּבַקְשׁ֖וּ כָזָ֣ב (labial + velar + sibilant)
    • v. 5b. בִ֭לְבַבְכֶם עַֽל־מִשְׁכַּבְכֶ֗ם
    • v.6a. זִבְח֥וּ זִבְחֵי
    • v.8b. דְּגָנָ֖ם וְתִֽירוֹשָׁ֣ם

Rhythm and Line Length
The following table shows the length of each line in terms of syllables, words, and stress units.

Ref Syllables Words Stress Units
2a 11 4 4
2b 6 3 3
2c 10 3 3
3a 11 6 4
3b 4 2 2
3c 5 2 2
4a 11 6 4
4b 9 4 4
5a 7 3 2
5b 12 5 4
6a 5 3 2
6b 6 3 2
7a 10 5 4
7b 11 5 4
8a 8 3 3
8b 11 4 4
9a 11 4 4
9b 8 4 3
9c 7 2 2
  • Lines 2a and 9a are the same length by all three measures (both are also the first lines of tricola and begin with בְּ)
  • Lines 3a and 4a are the same length by all three measures
  • Line 5b is, in terms of syllables, the longest line in the psalm. It is also the middle line.
  • Long lines indicate breaks in the text (aperture: v.2a, 3a, 4a, 7a, 9a; closure: 5b, 8b), and the moderate lengths of v.5a and v.8a suggest continuity between these verses and the previous verses. This feature is reinforces the fact that vv.4-5 are bound together by an inclusio (ודעו / ודמו) as are vv.7-8 (רבים / רבו).
  • The shortest lines in the psalm are v.3bc and v.6ab.
  • The decreasing lengths of the final three lines give the psalm a sense of winding down, fitting for an evening psalm that ends in peaceful sleep.